6-Card Manifesting Spread


I made this spread this morning and had such lovely results with it that I wanted to share it with you. I hope you like it.


1---What I want
2---Ideas to make it happen
3---Passion to carry it forward
4---Vision to keep the goal in sight
5---Skills to bring it to fruition
6---Message from my angels

Card 6 does not cross Card 1, rather both cards occupy the Center.


Hey grimalkin, your spred looks really interesting. I cant wait to do a reading with it! But i have a question, For the first card, do we randomly put down a card from the deck or we could choose it ourselves?


Hi Beebs! I allowed the cards to choose, meaning letting them answer my "how do I begin" question, and it was perfect for me as I tend to just cannonball into things rather unprepared. But I think it would be great to lay a card of your choosing as well ... a kind of significator card.

I'm glad you like the spread! I just posted my results in the Your Readings section but here's the link too.


Good Luck!


Hi grimalkin!

I just had to tell you that I love the feel of this spread... I can't wait to give it a try!!! I really do a such a postive feeling about this one.... I'm so excited about it!!! :D


I done this spread Friday night and also Saturday night with a similiar reading both times... I asked to manifest the same thing in both readings. It really made since when it told me that only my own hard work and time I would put into it would really make this happen for me!

Terrific Spread grimalkin!! And I'm going to check out some more of yours for sure!!! Thanks!!! :grin: