5 Pentacles rx as advice, Chariot as outcome


This is part of a 7 card reading about work, where I'm having trouble making sense of these two cards in those positions.

I used the Golden Botticelli, but RWS interpretations also apply.

5 Pentacles rx as advice... Go for broke? Things have to get worse before they get better?

Outcome: The Chariot. Seems obvious - Victory. An outcome I very much like to see, but as things stand now everything seems hopeless. I feel blocked, uninspired, unsure how to proceed (For reference, card in the "near future" position, which is now because the reading was done almost a month ago: 8 swords upright. Whoopdeedoo...). There is a dearth of opportunity for movement, which is leaving me feeling quite crushed.

I don't get it... How can the Chariot be the outcome of those two very depressing cards? Unless the Chariot means something other than success?


Well, the 5 of pentacles typically shows people who are in need of help walking past a well-lit church, right? I've always taken that to mean not to give up, even in the darkest hour. Just turn around. There will be help right behind you!


Did you have a specific question in mind for the spread, or was it just a general, "Tell me about my work situation..." kind of reading?


Well, the 5 of pentacles typically shows people who are in need of help walking past a well-lit church, right? I've always taken that to mean not to give up, even in the darkest hour. Just turn around. There will be help right behind you!

Reading your take, the words "have faith" came to mind. In the golden Botticelli, it looks like all the coins are spilling out of frame in rx. That's also why I thought of "go for broke". Or, like in that meme with the guy tossing papers in the air, "F**k it." Lol.


Did you have a specific question in mind for the spread, or was it just a general, "Tell me about my work situation..." kind of reading?

It was a general reading about a specific work thing.


Are you able to say what the specific work thing is? It would probably help people to interpret your reading more accurately. (No worries/don't tell us if it's something that feels too personal, though.)


Are you able to say what the specific work thing is? It would probably help people to interpret your reading more accurately. (No worries/don't tell us if it's something that feels too personal, though.)

Yeah, would rather not say what the specific work thing is...