Fairytale Tarot (MRP) -- Four of Coins


The "miser" card is aptly represented by the familiar tale of the Fisherman and His Wife, available here. The image captures the Wife at the point where her demands are spinning totally out of control--she looks from the ermine to be at the Emperor stage. We glimpse her husband, who is but a shadow, the magic fish, who has a glow about him, and the sea raging behind everything. The Wife's pudgy hands and arms are tight with bracelets and rings confining her possessive flesh.

The Four of Coins is all about grasping. The Wife becomes less and less satisfied, the more she has. What is interesting too is that the husband is content with everything, including, apparently, his awful wife. He seems to accept her as his lot in life, and does her bidding even when he feels strongly that it is wrong. So he is an interesting model for equanimity, and the exact opposite of his wife. Which makes for an intriguing shadow side for this card.

:heart: M_M~