The Stockholm Octavo

Babalon Jones

I just reserved the book at the library, looking forward to something new to read!

Is the handbook on the cards any good? If I love the book I may want the cards and handbook :)


The cards are lovely. I think I got a handbook. I think I didn't read it.....:joke:


My cards and the handbook have both arrived in the last couple of weeks. The cards are lovely, but I haven't devoted any time to reading the book and using the cards yet. So many other books competing for attention!


Would like to know if anyone has tried the Octavo with a 78 card tarot deck?
Are there any differences?

I don't have the Amman and won't be able to add on to my collections at the moment...
I've neglected my current decks for a long time so I need to "make peace" with them ^ ^;;