Baby spread


Now this is different..

I'm gonna be a godmother anyday now! I was just curious if anyone had any sort of baby spread either before their born or after. I'd love to try something out!


Astraea Aurora

Hi xokillerqueen

it's lovely that you'll be a godparent. Godparents are becoming more and more seldom here in Germany but I think it's a true blessing for the child and the godparent.

So, how about a small 3 card spread?


1 The child.
2 You as the child's godparent.
3 The gift of your godparenthood to the child. I see this gift as something non-material, an aspect that is important to you that you're happy to gift to the next generation, or an aspect that only you can give the child that will be important to him/her. It could be a blessing, maybe with 2 cards? One card for the blessing that the child brings into your life and another card for the blessing that you bring into the child's life.

Actually, I think that throughout your godparenthood you could do this spread againg and again. The child will grow up, he/she will mature and so your godparenthood will change over time as your godchild will need different things from you.

I wish you all the best for your godchild and your role as a godmother!

Astraea Aurora :grin:


thank you so much! Thats really nice. I can't wait to try it out! I'll let you know how it goes.