Any strange constellations or what???


Hi folks,
When I went to work today, I had a pretty weird feeling, kind of the one I had on Xmas 2004 before the Tsunami. It's a sunny day, I will go on holiday, so everything seemed perfect, but....there is still this strange feeling of something approaching.

Now I am wondering: are there any strange constellations which could cause this feeling of uneasyness.


Well Catlin first of all hope you have a very nice holiday. Secondly hope your uneasiness is just a minor thing that passes.
I go by my gut feelings as well and if I get the feeling, don't go, then I don't. Or if I that.. I do !
It is different from imagination it is a "knowing" and I would assume that is what you are writing about. Hope it all passes with no bad repercussions..memries


So do I, dear memries. Still I am wondering if there is something going on or about to happen.


Guess what?! The day I felt so itchy and uncomfortable we had some riots going on here in the evening and on the day after.


I am no astrologer, but I have a faye nifty planetarium program, and on April 8, Mars left Taurus and he will be entering Gemini on April 26. What does this mean?

Monoceros began to rise just before April.



Just a little question?

If Mars left Taurus on April 8th and will enter Gemini on April 26th, where does your program say he is at in the interval period? If this statement is not a typo then you may want to question the value of your software program. Dave


This is the problem with non-astrologers (i.e., me) saying or doing things astrological -I really don't know what I am talking about. This may be another thread topic, but, must one planet immediately move from one constellation to the next?

It looks like he passes through Auriga, "The Charioteer," in the interim.



mars is actually in cancer at the moment , just moved in last few days - what is that programme called then KK cos it sounds like its out a whole sign


Perhaps . . .

Perhaps the program was set to a Sidereal frame of reference instead of a Tropical zodiac. There are a few commonly used sidereal reference points and the software programs that utilize them often let you set your own reference point. Other than that, I can't suggest anything else. Dave


This should be an interesting learning experience.

The program I have came with a telescope. It shows you where the actual planet are (supposed to be). I have no idea what sidereal and all that means, but I am pretty sure I can look out at night and see the planets where my program tells me they are.

Are we talking apples and oranges here? Educate me!


p.s. Is Saturn in Cancer at the moment?