Sun enters Taurus, Mercury enters Aries, Mars in Cancer, uranus conjunct Venus


while trined to Pluto, the Solar center of our system won't have any major obsticles finishing up what needs to be done, although a quick review and overview of the situation will reveal a disturbing trend. Once into Taurus though, there will be a powerful re-enforcement of balance and structure.

Mercury in aries will keep things moving in a communicative direction, Aries firery power is very complimentry to mercury's quick nature, but the tendancy to jump ahead might occur, especially since mercury is speeding up and will move through Aries with ease.

Mars, which rules Aries, is entering Cancer, and here the energy of Cancer, which is fluid and active, combined with impulsive mars, will result in some, shall we say, 'interesting' moments in teh next few months. Keep your journals ready, this combination will be memorable and at times disturbing (issues of the home will come up). The crab isn't always the quickist creature to move, but in defense there is speed like none other, mars will add to the speed and strength and a way of life will be revealed for the first time.

venus and Uranus are moving into conjunction, this places the demand for independent activity, w/o question, and in pisces there will be a need for creativity and imagination. These two are also in trine to Jupiter in retrograde (scorpio at that) indicating that desire and addiction might take center stage and take away from your resouerces and possibly act as a structured ending to many things. Avoid too much alcohol, it won't be a problem, the bars will be too noisy anyway. Asking for help or assistance won't get you any results, but someone might be willing to assist, make sure that the job gets done and you will be praised, fail and your position will be challanged by those who you never expected to take your place.

all in all, overly uppity attitudes, excessive paranoia, outmoded prejudice, and other unprofessional attitudes will be seen for what they are, unwelcome in the workplace and in general many parts of civilization. Venus in pisces will show this, and mercury quick journey through aries will fish it out, mars in cancer will act against it, nad the sun in taurus will give determinatio and strength.


with mars already in cancer, and mercury in aries, and venus already conjuncted uranus. Sun enters Taurus today, and the moon enters Aquarius to make a powerful squared off angle to one another, thsi occurs later tonight 11:28/9:28 EDT/MDT.

Taurus is grounded, fixed and solid as a mountain only giving away a little or a lot at a time, and those bits tend to be avalanches after a while, so be careful. Aquarius is determined, idealistic, but ungrounded and irrational at times, with teh moon moving through this sign there is a tendancy to be strict and straightforeward with intentions and expectations regardless of the impact it may have on others around you, the greater good takes precidence over the approval of those above or below you, and if done right it will be remembered as a turnign point.

until the moon enters Aquarius though it will be in Capricorn (of course) and taht sign will demand that the utmost care take place in dealing with others in the workplace, especially in front of the people you serve, without care this might come back to hit you in spades.

Act professionally and you will be treated like a professional, the younger you are the more credit you will get for this, if you are not getting credit for this, take a deep breath and just do the job, others are just jealous.

Free Flight


I just wanted to say that I always read and appreciate these. I never comment as I am an astro infant with nothing to add but always read them.

they are great and wanted to say thank-you

x FF


moon occult uranus, emotions cloud independence

Since the moon orbits the earth, when it 'conjuncts' another body in the sky it actually blocks it from being seen on earth, this occulation (or eclipsing) thereof thsu blocks that bodies energy from reaching us for a few minutes, and thsoe few minutes could have a lasting impact.

Uranus is the planet of individuality, revolution, and the power of electricity. electrical power problems, possibily, aborted revolutions, more than lkely, lack of higer mind mentality due to emotional instability, sure you bet. the moon in pisces encourages people to go with the flow, but this flow will be difficult to adjust to, as everyone has their own current, the moons occulation will only prove to make certain inalianable points so clear that it will thrust the 21st century into the reality before you that you will wonder why you couldn't see it to begin with.

Monday, the moon will occult venus, and a discharge of emotional passion will occur thereafter, but during the initial phases of the occulation of venus there will be dispassion and disinterest in many things, also many things that may have bothered you before now just doesn't matter anymore, mainly becasue it will probably be a part of your job and that variety will help you keep your sanity, something that pisces is not always known for.

That is followed by the moon square to pluto and then the sun square to saturn. The Fast and the Furious make aspect to the Slow and the calm, a combination that we may want to be alone to deal with, but others may not leave us alone, so let it be known that you need your space: Taurus, Leo, Pisces, and SAgittarius will want that space for this, but also may not be able to find it, let there be peace for a while, the flow has stopped and is turning midstream down a hidden path.

All in all, a monday that you might rather forget, but then again some people might find this enjoyable, do try to get some sleep though, the moon moving into aries will keep you going through tuesday and wendsday.