Le Carte Delle Streghe/Les Cartes des Sorciers/Las Cartas de las Brujas


Ashtaroot said:
Omg omg omg omg omg I lOve them .... Thank you MG thank you so much
I am just looking through them.
I got the French edition ancienne
They are beautiful, my only thing is you can't shuffle them... Too long.. But i am sure I'll figure it out :love:

Honey, shuffle them side ways--hand over hand or even side riffle shuffle--works like a dream for me!just takes a little practice unless you have really tiny hands.. i just LOVE the way they feel! Luxuriant!




Ashtaroot said:
Wolfy where can I get more info on the cartes de la magie Blanche I'm intrigued ..any pictures or anything really
Are they kinda the same of les cartes DES sorciers?
Thank you

Ditto! i saw them listed on AmazonCa, but i really would like to see some more pics.

Ashtaroot, [from what i could tell]it looks to be a similar package to the Cartes des Sorcier packaging, as it is also published by De Vecchi, who seems to specialize in this card style and lovely packaging.



Ashtaroot said:
Wolfy where can I get more info on the cartes de la magie Blanche I'm intrigued ..any pictures or anything really
Are they kinda the same of les cartes DES sorciers?
Thank you

Here is the gallery of the oracle deck on my tarot blog:


The link refuses to appear correctly. You have to go to my website and from there you'll find it.

MoonGypsy said:
Ditto! i saw them listed on AmazonCa, but i really would like to see some more pics.

Ashtaroot, [from what i could tell]it looks to be a similar package to the Cartes des Sorcier packaging, as it is also published by De Vecchi, who seems to specialize in this card style and lovely packaging.

Yes, the oracle deck Cartes de La Magie Blanche is from the same publisher and is as expensive as their other tarot decks as well: 50$ CAD. I've seen the deck in our stores here but the price puts me off so far.


Thank you so much Wolfy:)
Nice site btw


Ok so now that I had a chance to work with the cards and read a little from the book..... I reAlly really love them
I love how they feel and the book is nice and the shuffling thing ..I just did a mess pile and drew cards...problem solved:)

Dusk Till Dawn

I just received mine, along with the Magie Blanche ( georgeous!). I wish I could translate the french. I try, but I have no clue what the cards mean. Why am I ordering those georgeous Decks, when I don't speak a word French? What to do? How is the best way to start translating, buy a book? The translation from Google sucks, I tried Translating German to English there and all I got was Mumbo Jumbo.I feel so guilty, because I won't be able to use them Should I send them back? But they are wonderful, already have a nice Drawer of their own.I don't know.


I posted a few translations for seeker*13* over in the oracle study group forum, if anyone else is having trouble due to not being able to read the language their deck is in. I hope this is OK to do. There was a study group that posted translations for the Margeurite Petersen tarot a while back so I thought it would be ok.

I'm still trying to get a copy of the deck, it is so expensive.