10 of Swords : The Messenger


The Messenger of Allah said:

"Whoever sends one salah upon me, Allah will send ten upon him."


"Water is a source of life and, as a generative force, it is a focus of veneration for many peoples... At Lindow Moss in Cheshire, the body of a young man was placed in a pool within the marsh after he had been ritually murdered, probably during the first century AD. The victim was stripped, poleaxed and garrotted before his painted body was thrust face-down in the water. In my opinion, this is an unequivocal example of a human sacrifice; the young man may have been offered as a gift to the local gods as a response to a crisis, when a major appeal had to be made to the spirit-world..." Dr Miranda Green

ana luisa

Just a thought

A linguistic interesting fact:
the word Mudra comes from Sanskrit roots. It combines the word MUD that means TO PLEASE and the word DRAVAYANTI that means TO DRIVE AWAY. Together it represents THAT WHICH PLEASES GOD AND DRIVES AWAY THE DEMONS.

Could it be that the man is seeking spiritual strength to get rid of his problems, demons?


This is an interesting take on this card, it's been jumping out all over for the past two weeks for me, so I had to see what new thoughts came up for it.

As messages, yesterday I discovered it can be all about rumors, the sort that are a real pain in the back and delivered in the same fashion, based on the darkness of misinformation or hidden emotions and am powerless to stop them until the sun rises to dispell the untruths and shed illumination.

LOL I am so looking forward to shedding some light where the sun don't shine, but the cool thing about this is, by sticking it to me, I now have all their swords!!!

I do like the idea that for every sword used, they will get theirs back tenfold, and I won't have to do anything about it.


I've always understood this symbol as a didactic gesture of delivering wisdom. Commonly it's performed in paintings of the maddonna and child (by the child!) from the 13th and 14th centuries in Italian and also northern European painting...

Personally I've always wondered if it had a european pagan origin along the lines of well.. horns.

Anyone know?


Hello :) namesoftrees! Clarification, please...


Hi Fulgour :) Actually I was beginning some research on the Rider Waite Devil's hand interpretation, so I guess I had horns on my mind.. but I was thinking along the lines of the christian tradition in art of the didactic signal that the ten Swords character seems to be doing on the ground...

this morning I saw that someone referred to it as "As above shall be below"
(from memory) . Anyway the way I see it is that it represents the energy of enlightenment / knowledge / the creative endeavour which takes the totality of ten swords in the back to a metaphysic.

but it also occurred to me that a hand symbol like that is likely to be older than Byzantine paintings or/and universal so I was looking for a link with something similar : European and secular as well as the yogi.

Maybe ?


practice makes perfect

The hand signal is a critical detail
and all of the copy cats miss it...

In terms of Universal significance,
I think I'll try doing it myself... ;)