Tyldwick - Star


What I notice in the Star card:

water fountain in the shape of a hexagram
Greek pottery piece
flowers and ivy

The water trickling down from the mouth of the fountain represents the cleansing and refreshing properties of water (much needed after the Tower experience). The hexagram symbol around the fountain is an alchemical one. The union of the fire symbol (triangle pointing up) with the water symbol (triangle pointing down) is a combination of opposites representing transmutation. In alchemy, that would translate to changing lead to gold, but in spiritual terms, it might signify enlightenment after experiencing the dark night of the soul. The fusion of the two triangles also creates the alchemical symbols for earth and air (triangles with a line through them). Having all four elements together represents a union of perfect balance - a subtle reminder that we can't run away or hide from a part of life (as in the Tower). As Byron Katie often says, we need to learn to "love what is," accepting the good and bad cards that life deals us. Then we ourselves can be the vessel in which transmutation occurs.

The Greek piece of pottery is a wine jug (entitled by the Metropolitan Museum of Art "Dionysus and Eros in Procession"). Wine is used both to celebrate and relax, a fitting drink for this card. It is time to appreciate making it through our challenge, but also a time to relax and gain our strength before the next one comes along.

The flowers and ivy indicate two things: we can't stay in this idyllic setting forever (the flowers) but there is wisdom we can carry with us (evergreen ivy).



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The Star

At the bottom of the card is there something red happening but I can't tell what it is. The RWS Star figure uses red jugs - but that may be a coincidence.


On the Greek oinochoe, here is a female figure between Dionysos (seated on a klismos chair) and Eros (fixing his sandal) - and it's Pompe, the personification of processions. More about her on the website of the Met: http://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/251935

She's an Aphrodite-like figure here, standing between the two gods of love and wine. Above her head, the enlarged picture on the Met website shows it clearly, there's a flower with eight petals - like a star.

She's holding a diadem but at first I thought she's pouring water over herself...

It's difficult to know whether the artist chose the images because of their symbolic or aesthetic value or both, but the connection to the cult of Dionysos and wine is interesting, especially since the Greeks drank their wine always diluted with water.

The water from the mouth of the fountain (in a star of David or hexagram) falls exactly into the oinochoe. This one has a trifoil mouth, i.e., when it's full, the water will probably run over in three places.

An interesting choice.