Where Am I Going Spread


I've been toying with an idea for a spread to answer the questions, "Where will I been in (insert time period)?" and "Where do I want to be in (insert time period)?"

Here's what I'm thinking:

Where I'm headed --------------- Where I want to be

.....3.........................13.........................8....._______Home/Physical location

-----------What I need to do to get there-------

To clarify -

There are three columns and as many rows as you want to put in. You could focus just on one area of your life if you've got a major decision regarding career or house move ahead of you.

The first column is a straight prediction based on the direction you're headed now. The second is where you would like to be. The third is the advice card, what you need to work on to get you there.

Refinements, suggestions welcome :)

\m/ Kat


Hey Kat,

I like the look of the spread but have reservations about having a single card representing what needs to be done to get from point A to point B. Often it takes a number of steps to get to where one wants to be.

I know I have a similar spread in my collection, but of course it's at home and I'm at work. But I think it's from the Tarot Life Planner by Lady Lorelei. In that spread the Querent chooses cards to represent points A and B, then shuffles and selects 3 (? 4? 5?) cards to represent the path to take.

Maybe a middle road is needed. Make the # of cards in the middle be variable. If the Querent can see getting to where they want to be with the first what I need to do card, then stop there. If not, place another card. Keep doing this until the Querent can see the progression from the last what I need to do card to where they want to be. And to avoid having to use the whole deck in the spread, maybe set a limit of 5 cards. If the Querent still can't see the connection after 5 middle cards, then maybe where they want to be is unreachable at this point in time.



rwcarter said:
I like the look of the spread but have reservations about having a single card representing what needs to be done to get from point A to point B. Often it takes a number of steps to get to where one wants to be.
I'm pickin' up what you're puttin' down! Originally, I laid out the spread without advice cards - only the outer two columns were there. Then I thought, "Well, what is useful about that??? :mad:"
rwcarter said:
Maybe a middle road is needed. Make the # of cards in the middle be variable. If the Querent can see getting to where they want to be with the first what I need to do card, then stop there. If not, place another card. Keep doing this until the Querent can see the progression from the last what I need to do card to where they want to be. And to avoid having to use the whole deck in the spread, maybe set a limit of 5 cards. If the Querent still can't see the connection after 5 middle cards, then maybe where they want to be is unreachable at this point in time.

I agree completely that this would be a great modification to the spread . . . the only reservation I have in return about this is the size that it would entail!

I think that the above spread would work without the advice cards, but that it would be more of a means than an end, in this incarnation. So one would carry out the reading, find something of note and use other spreads to explore it further. The one card I put in was something of a compromise between my original thought and your more comprehensive approach.

Has this simply complicated things?

\m/ Kat


Just checked. The spread I was thinking of is in Tarot Life Planner. She has the Querent pull the cards at either end out of the deck before it's shuffled and then has the Querent choose 5 cards to go in the center. So that becomes a 7 card spread. Maybe limit the center cards to 3 instead of 5?

She also arranges hers as a staircase, to give the sense of not only moving forward but also of moving up.

Hopefully for most Querents it'll only take one or two central cards for them to complete the loop from where they are to where they want to be.
