Mixing Cards


I posted in "Do my cards have personalities" that My Oracle Deck was stand offish and usually just watches... The Oracle has mixed with the Faeries Oracle one other time..

Well, it happened again. The Faeries belong to a friend, and when she comes to visit we usually read cards for each other and just have a nice get together. The oracle decks got mixed on the counter and we left them for a couple hours. I sorted the two decks and all is well.... right up until this morning when I was doing a pull on the Sacred Path and who should turn up but Myk the Myamancer....hmmmmmmm.

So here's my question. Has anybody mixed their decks and had readings enhanced or changed because of the association of another deck.

Thanks in advance! :)

Niklas Zweig

Hello Wichasa,

I can't tell you about this specific deck and card, but mixing different decks certainly affects the results. Well, if you don't actually read the foreign cards but imagine it were the corresponding cards from the set you know, then of course the effect is small. But if you take in the actual image the difference will be great.



It's true; my tarot of the magical forest and quest got mixed up when I was doing comparisons of corresponding cards. I thought I separated them all but just one card showed up in a reading and changed the whole thing. Turns out the Quest was NOT pleased; it hasn't read correctly yet! Doing a cleansing tonight to get back in its good graces.


attitude and decks

My oracle deck is a traditional Native deck and somber. The Faeries oracle are playful, lighthearted, and noisy.... The two decks seem to enjoy each others company and my messages seem to get richer.... Sorry to hear about your decks unhappiness....:( Hope the cleansing helps.


They'll get over it eventually. The Quest just seems to be a no-shenanigans type of deck while the magical forest doesn't have an ounce of seriousness in it. They'll either learn to play nice or I'll cleanse them and just keep them very separate from now on.


Yes, the Faeries are noisy, playful, and full of antics. But they always seem to know where they will be most effective and exactly what to say at the right time, especially when we don't really want to hear "THAT" right now.

Wichasa said:
Also, Can anybody tell me about Myk and what he is trying to say? Thanks in advance! :)

Myk the Myomancer advises us to make a slow and observant study of the little things and their even smaller details in the world around us.

When Myk appears in a spread, attention to details is crucial at this point. There are messages everywhere. And he always counsels us to remember: If you work out what the question really IS, it is much easier to recognize the answer when it comes.


My deck gets along very well with my one friend's deck. However, it does NOT like our third friend's deck. It gets very standoffish whenever she brings them around.