Looking at Queens


Hi Jewel_ry,

Well, that is quite beautiful. I very much like your analysis of the relationships between the Kings and Queens and the light that sheds on personalities and therefore on how they may act in scenarios involving other players, as might happen in a reading.

So by all the Courts together in suits and building up a kind of genogram we can get a really worthwhile character analysis of each Court. personality. Now that makes it so much more interesting. I think I am beginning to see much more clearly what Rusty Neon was saying now.

It would be interesting to tell stories involving the Courts in each suit. Or simply to write something about each suit "family" in our study group exercises to see what we each come up with. What would you think of that?

Or would it be worth looking at each role first ie Kings. Queens, Cavaliers and Valets. I think I would like to do them in suits first. Or what :) ?

I see that Kaz has given us another question and I am waiting for Rusty to come and draw three cards.


Rusty Neon

Jewel-ry said:
there are stories to be found in these cards and I suspect they could be different each time I look!

I agree that one can see different things in a card, depending on the background, the question, the spread, the spread position, neighbouring cards, etc.

Incidentally, more and more I am viewing the cards in a way that is not necessarily tied to to suit, suit characteristics, or elemental characteristics. I look at the images themselves. But I certainly do like how you're tying the element and suit into the images, and linking the court family members together.

In all of tarot, I find the Marseilles and Thoth court cards the most expressive.