Tarot Made Easy by Nancy Garen

6 Haunted Days

AJ said:
Ally, welcome new members and congratulate the birthday people. They appreciate it, it is a thoughtful thing to do, and your post count will go up.

To late to stop now, you've lost your thread starter virginity anyway :) Welcome!

Well birthdays are in the subscription/chat area so that wouldn't work anyways.


AllyBrooke said:
Hi berrieh,

I picked up the Tarot Bible in Waterstones just before Christmas. But at the time I couldn't spare the £12.99 cost, but it is definately on my list of books to get.
I believe it's cheaper on bookdepository.com - and free postage.... It is VERY good.

Ed. Yes - £9.21.....


Thanks gregory I shall look at that maybe later. I had to take a rest off the computer for a while, I had a splitting headache. I really should get my eyes checked!


By the way, I think I am there!


You are. :thumbsup:

Sign up now ! (you are awaited ! I have heralded you !!!!)


Quick question,

In this book, which suits represent the 4 seasons?

I know that Pentacles represent Spring, Wands represent Fall.. what about Swords & Cups?

I am predicting that Cups represents summer :D

Thanks a lot guys!!


I was thinking about this book, but nancy also a site that you can get all these meanings from. I looked at it a few times and the problem I have with it is that I cannot figure out HOW she got the meanings. I'm a person that needs to look at the cards and say, ok I can see how they got that from this card. But some of her stuff makes no sense to me.

I have the tarot bible, I loved it the first time I looked at it lol. The size, the feel of it in my hands, the easy layout. They did a great job with this, probably one of my favorite books. I alsy have Mary Greers Tarot Reversals book, that has helped me a lot!


Actually in that book the 4 seasons are not correct by many others. Wands for most are spring. Another reason this book is not a good one to go by. As you get more into your studies you will see where something in that book are just off.


Tarot made easy by Nancy Garen i picked up the book from a mall because it was giving multiple meanings to different cards. But it seems a waste total waste....no person can definitely pinpoint and say that this card will mean so and so for so and so situation. Not at all.

i am intutive reader and cannot read books or parrot myself through books but yes I found the book Tarot Bible by Sarah very helpful its a great buy.


I know this is an old thread......

Hey so I'm hoping SOMEONE reads this thread, even tho the last post was a year ago.

I searched the forum to get some information about this book. I bought the book a couple months ago and REALLY liked it in the bookstore ( the lay out, how simple it looked, etc) But now I'm not sure I like it at all............
I have been trying to learn these cards as a means of becoming more spiritual, not just to look up categories in the book. Also, I go through and look at a card, figure out what it means to me, my general feel about the card, and then I look on THIS website to see what other ppl have said about whatever card I am studying that day. I seem to be doing alright that way, HOWEVER when I then compare my ideas to the book, it is almost impossible!!!! Nancy Garen doesn't really give info on the card, just broken down into the topics to answer a question about career/work, anxiety, emotion, advice, mail, etc etc. I feel like if someone is truly trying to understand the cards and develop a connection, that this is not a good book for that.

thoughts??? Am I studying the proper way?? And because I am still learning, (( MUCH to learn)) am I correct in deciding NOT to use this book?



Welcome to Aeclectic, Alisonxo!

I've had that book since the early 90s. I even gave my copy away to a friend and bought a second copy. Have I used it though? Nope. If you find that her meanings don't resonate with you, then don't use them. You may find an interpretation here or there that makes you go, "Hmmm.... Never would've thought of that one!" But I believe that those times will be few and far between.

I think there's some interesting stuff about the Courts and numerology in the front of the book. And I find the 32 category spread interesting as a jumping off point for picking 5 or 6 topics for a general reading. I have a third copy of the book now that I plan on using to scan the line images from the Rider Waite and print out on 8x10 cardstock that I will then color in and then have my own personal RWS folio. So the book does have some uses.

As I say about all books on tarot, "keep what resonates and discard what doesn't."
