Possible Source of Inspiration For 9 of Pents


I ran across this picture in the book, The History of Magic and the Occult by Kurt Seligmann. The caption says: "Alchemical Allegory: The soul rising toward God, after Abraham Lambsprinck, Musaem Hermeticum, Frankfurt, 1749." It remined me of the 9 of Pentacles. Granted, there are many differences, but I wonder if there was some influence going on.


Waite does reference the Book of Lambspring in his chapter on the Secret Tradition in PKT. The snail and birds make you wonder.

However, there are two works by Pixie of the actress Ellen Terry that were obviously adapted into the design. One is found on Holly Voley's biography page for PCS:
and I can't find the other right now.



They look very different indeed to me anyway, there are so many pictures that bear a resemblance to the 9 pents if you leaf through books but I think her original inspiration for this card came from her head.