Some questions about reading with Elemental Correspondences...


I'm just learning to use the elemental correspondences within the spreads.
For those of you that do the same... do you use the elemental Correspondences with the court cats and majors? Or just the pip cards??


Hi. I think it's important to use elemental correspondences with certain cards, and not just with the pip cards.*But it depends on how well you know of the signs or rulerships that go with each card, though, or that is associated with each card.

For instance, with the star card, I know of its elemental correspondence, which is Aquarius, or the waterbearer, and has to do with being forward-thinking. Also, looking ahead. To me, that makes sense. The same rulerships could be applied to the meanings of other cards, such as the court cards. The only one that I know of the rulership of is the queen of wands, though.


Any ideas where I can find the elemental associations for the majors?

All I've been able to find so far are generalities.

Wands - fire
Swords - Air
Cups - water
Pentacles - Earth

I Haven't found anything that goes into the majors elementary correspondences.


I am not too sure where you could find it, but I downloaded an interesting app all about the correlations, and the order of the trumps, additional meanings on the majors, then the minors and different schools of thought on the list of card meanings. It's sort of like a chart listing the cards and their meanings with further information. It also has about reversed card meanings, and divides into major arcana, and suits of minor arcana. It was a very hard to find app.