4/Wands rx + Hierophant combination!


Hi, summeryjoy.
Thanks for sharing your idea.

I'm almost sure there wouldn't be marriage, I know it was a just example though. Well, your interpretation is interesting, but I don't think I and he will follow any tradition or rule. We're from different countries, we have different traditions, so usually we don't care any rule or traditions.

But I understand what you mean, so if I'm trying read it again, we might agree with something to each other, but it wouldn't make one or both of us happy. Is it same what you mean?

Perhaps yes. Rules here could also rules of love that one of you may impose on the relationship.


Don't know where I picked up Hermit. Four of wands reversed is still imbalance, and Hieophant is tradition/ cultures. That says it all. Imbalance of culture.

Sorry about the mix up.

No worry! Thanks, PAMUYA.
I'm trying read it again!