Who or What Was the 3 of Wands in Your Experience?


I see now, and thank you for explaining. I have learnt something. :thumbsup:

It's just occurred to me that the 3W can also be about returns on investment. Ships coming in.

Or - punning, still - someone's lucky break, being talent-spotted or whatever applies to the situation, "When my ship comes in".

Yay glad I could help. Yep the 3W is about waiting for those ships to come in! I think if I can just keep that in mind, I'll be able to apply this confusing card to many other aspects as well (love, friendship, career, finance, etc.)

Forgive me if I am repeating meanings that have already been presented here - but the 3 of Wands to me has often represented waiting for something or someone (mail, results, a phone call, message etc.) that is on its way ("ships are coming in", expectantly waiting, anticipation).

It very much also represents long-distance and overseas in my readings too. I have read that sometimes the 3 of Wands in relationship/love readings can symbolize someone who is "keeping their options open" and "waiting for something better to come along". Well, I don't recall that meaning in my readings, but I have gotten it to represent when a person in a relationship is longing for/invested in/involved with someone else - most likely lives overseas or at least far away. Wishing you could cross the sea to be with them.

This was very useful! Thanks so much GoodnessGracious. I, too, have seen it as a long-distance, overseas lover. Come to think of it, when I do use reversals, I've seen the "3 of Wands Reversed" pop up when a querent gave up on a love interest because he or she lived too far to even consider a romantic connection.