High Priestess Rx--blocked intuition or secrets or gossip?


Hi, I'm just wondering what the High Priestess Rx means as an advice card for a creative project. I pulled 4 cards and the HPS Rx was the 3rd card.

I almost never pay attention to astrological signs, but for some reason, the first thing I wanted to do when I saw this card was to check its sign. It's sign is Cancer, which is interesting because the other cards were all cup cards.

Keeping up with the theme of creativity, emotions, and following your intuition, I think the HPS Rx is either telling me that my intuition is blocked, or not to reveal too much about myself, or expose the truth about some unethical practices and urge others to check facts instead of believing everything they see, hear, and read.

It was so confusing, so I pulled a free clarifiers to help me narrow it down:
1. The World: bringing people together, integration, overall objective, spiritual journey and not just the end
2. Clarifying 1., 3/Wands: took action towards achieving the clear vision and now waiting patiently to expand my horizons
3. Clarifying 2., 10/Wands Rx: working hard, but feeling overwhelmed and burdened with the amount of tedious labor, cumbersome
4. Clarifying 3, 7/Pentacles, Rx: nascent, not fully developed yet, rushing to get something done

I hope it's not too confusing; I was just trying to figure which HPS Rx meaning fits for me, as there are SO many meanings! I usually can figure out with clarifiers, but not sure about the connection with HPS Rx this time.


Moderator Note

Hi intuitivetarot,

You listed one card from a 4 card reading and then all four clarifiers you pulled, which makes 5 cards out of an 8 card reading. That is more than half of the cards and therefore is more cards than can be discussed in UTC. You either need to post the whole reading so the thread can be moved to Your Readings or edit your post so that no more than four cards are mentioned.

rwcarter, co-Moderator of Using Tarot Cards


Hi intuitivetarot,

You listed one card from a 4 card reading and then all four clarifiers you pulled, which makes 5 cards out of an 8 card reading. That is more than half of the cards and therefore is more cards than can be discussed in UTC. You either need to post the whole reading so the thread can be moved to Your Readings or edit your post so that no more than four cards are mentioned.

rwcarter, co-Moderator of Using Tarot Cards

I didn't know that clarifiers counted. In that case, there were 11 cards in total (the 2nd card was clarified by 1 card and the 4th card was clarified by 2 cards), not 8.


First you should keep in mind that clarifying cards rarely clarify. They usually muddy the waters and the more you add, the muddier they get. Try not to rush to put down clarifiers. It's often easier for us here to help posters with one card than with one + 3 clarifiers.

Second, the HPS is not astrologically Cancer. She is the Moon. The Moon rules Cancer, but it not the same as Cancer. You can, after all have a chart which says "your moon is in Gemini...." We all have the "Moon" as part of our astrological charts. What the Moon stands for is often our emotions, and what makes us feel comfortable. So, a Moon in Gemini means "I feel better when I communicate and research...."

HPS upright is about secrets, mysteries, about patience and solitude and psychic abilities. And yes, about emotions and intuition. If she's rx, then, actually, I'd say the advice is simple. Often when someone gets into a creative project, they lock themselves away in a room and wait for inspiration. I think you're being advised not to do that. Understand, the advice isn't to do the opposite—if the advice was to be social, there are cards to tell you to do that. But this card is rx—that means DON'T rely on solitude, intuition or even psychic powers to give you creative help.

Creativity doesn't come in a vacuum. You need to get inspiration from something other than your own solitary psyche. Now. Look at those clarifiers. HPS rx—Solitude bad! Clarifier "The World" (going out and about = good). HPS rx—keeping quiet and non-energetic = Bad! Clarifier: 3/Wands = putting out energy and seeing what you get back...good! 10/Wands rx—don't over burden yourself. 7/Pents rx— again! Don't keep staring at the project.

It's all the same message. Get out of the frigging house. Solitude, etc. is good for creating...but only after you've been out and about and gotten ideas to help you create.


Moderator Note

I didn't know that clarifiers counted. In that case, there were 11 cards in total (the 2nd card was clarified by 1 card and the 4th card was clarified by 2 cards), not 8.
The total number of cards in the reading is what counts. It doesn't matter if they're clarifiers, jumpers or the original cards laid down.


First you should keep in mind that clarifying cards rarely clarify. They usually muddy the waters and the more you add, the muddier they get. Try not to rush to put down clarifiers. It's often easier for us here to help posters with one card than with one + 3 clarifiers.

Second, the HPS is not astrologically Cancer. She is the Moon. The Moon rules Cancer, but it not the same as Cancer. You can, after all have a chart which says "your moon is in Gemini...." We all have the "Moon" as part of our astrological charts. What the Moon stands for is often our emotions, and what makes us feel comfortable. So, a Moon in Gemini means "I feel better when I communicate and research...."

HPS upright is about secrets, mysteries, about patience and solitude and psychic abilities. And yes, about emotions and intuition. If she's rx, then, actually, I'd say the advice is simple. Often when someone gets into a creative project, they lock themselves away in a room and wait for inspiration. I think you're being advised not to do that. Understand, the advice isn't to do the opposite—if the advice was to be social, there are cards to tell you to do that. But this card is rx—that means DON'T rely on solitude, intuition or even psychic powers to give you creative help.

Creativity doesn't come in a vacuum. You need to get inspiration from something other than your own solitary psyche. Now. Look at those clarifiers. HPS rx—Solitude bad! Clarifier "The World" (going out and about = good). HPS rx—keeping quiet and non-energetic = Bad! Clarifier: 3/Wands = putting out energy and seeing what you get back...good! 10/Wands rx—don't over burden yourself. 7/Pents rx— again! Don't keep staring at the project.

It's all the same message. Get out of the frigging house. Solitude, etc. is good for creating...but only after you've been out and about and gotten ideas to help you create.

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind for next time.

While I could definitely use some inspiration, my confusion mainly stemmed from the fact that I'm designing something for an organization that addresses what (I THINK) an HPS Rx would do but shouldn't do. The organization celebrates scientific, political, etc. advancements that bigoted people within and outside those fields spread nasty lies, misinformation, slander, etc. about. All to uphold political biases and regressive political agendas. It's still not clear whether or not HPS Rx is merely reiterating what I already knew about the malignation, but could your interpretation roughly translate to Hermit Rx?

The total number of cards in the reading is what counts. It doesn't matter if they're clarifiers, jumpers or the original cards laid down.
Got it, thanks for clarifying.


what (I THINK) an HPS Rx would do but shouldn't do. The organization celebrates scientific, political, etc. advancements that bigoted people within and outside those fields spread nasty lies, misinformation, slander, etc. about. All to uphold political biases and regressive political agendas.
The HPS upright is not about science. She's about mystery. The Queen/Swords is more of the scientist if you're look for a representative of that. However, getting back to the point: You seem to already know ALL this. So why would the cards give you advice you already know? The job of the cards is to help you see what you're not seeing, not point out what is absolutely crystal clear to you already.

You asked for advice, I assume, on how to best do this project (yes?). Given *that* it seems to me that the HPS rx is telling you to get out of your head, to stop brooding/fuming over the unfairness facing your organization and get inspiration elsewhere (don't forget that "World" clarifier—look outward, not inward).

You have to keep in mind what you asked—what the spread is about—this creative project, not the organization behind it and its issues. So HOW do you think the HPS rx relates as advice on this creative project and ONLY on this creative project. Imagine it was being done by an organization that had no such issues...what would she mean then?
but could your interpretation roughly translate to Hermit Rx?
No. Hermit rx is if you're searching for help with study and investigation. BOTH the HPS and the Hermit are about solitude. But the HPS is about solitude in search for answers to the mysteries, to gain psychic insight, to tap into intuition and emotions. Also, time off to make a decision. The Hermit is about solitude to investigate, like Sherlock Holmes locked away and doing research on tobacco ash, or some botanist alone in a jungle gathering specimens.

You said this was a creative project, not research. For Hermit rx—don't do your investigating alone (i.e. get a Watson to be with you in your detective work), you'd have to be doing research. The Hermit is not about "artistic" creation.


Yup, I was referring to the slander, not science. Also, I see that Hermit Rx and HPS Rx are two different types of solitude.

Given *that* it seems to me that the HPS rx is telling you to get out of your head, to stop brooding/fuming over the unfairness facing your organization and get inspiration elsewhere (don't forget that "World" clarifier—look outward, not inward).

However, this clarification of HPS Rx is perfect--I know now exactly how it applies! :) Thanks!


Air vs. Water

Yup, I was referring to the slander, not science.
Both slander and science would involve swords or air cards. You got a water card in the HPS. That's emotions, and information (secrets) that are usually personal or having to do more spiritual things (like a secret ritual). But, yes, as the HPS is about secrets, the the HPS rx could be handing over secrets—it's more likely to be one important, big secret, however, rather than a bunch, however. A "Key" secret that does emotional/personal damage rather than damage to, say, someone reputation.

That's not quite the same as slander or gossip, which we usually think of as some friend telling others what you told them not to tell, or twisting what you said, or outright lying. The Page/Swords rx and or Knight/Swords rx are most often viewed as the gossip (page) or slander (knight) cards. Rx Sword courts often indicate someone using communications to do calculated damage.


At the risk of invoking moderator ire by continuing to respond when I can't see that you've met his requests, I had a random - and not quite "proper" - thought about the High Priestess rx: upright, the card is about concealed matters, with a whiff of sanctimonious exclusiveness about it (the "you are not worthy" impression); perhaps reversal brings her robes up around her neck and the "naked truth" is revealed. Something might come out in the open in an unpleasant or shocking way.