Tarot - the game


Does anyone here on the forum play Tarot regularly, by that I mean the game of Tarot with 78 cards? I'm wondering if our French or Italian members in particular still play the game which I believe is still played on the European continent.

Can you tell me which deck you use and explain a simple game? And, can today's Tarot cards be used for game-playing. I'm assuming that the Marseilles can but what of some of our modern decks?

I'm already reading a few sites on the net but it would be good to know who Aeclectic's Tarot player are.


I THINK mabuse is a player.... I may be totally wrong here... and philebus ...


Thanks gregory, I could only think of philebus. I wonder if these gents would be willing to share some game-playing knowledge with us?



... have a trial version of a Tarot program.

Link ... "Telechargement etc. "

You can play 24 games or so. You can play each game more than once, so you get an understanding, what you did made the first time.

At other places you can play online (mostly French or German versions)


My son lived in France for a year, bought a tarot deck, and tried to get his French friends to play the game with him. Almost invariably, his friends would decline to play, saying "too complicated". Their ages were between 20 and 30 if that makes a difference.


Thanks everyone.

I've been reading the Pagat site and Tarocchino.

Huck thanks for the link but no good to me on a Mac.

It would be good if someone could walk/talk us through playing, along with which decks to use etc. Maybe there aren't enough of us interested, or like jaj says, its complicated to learn.


When we were in Spain, there were loads of campers playing in the cafeteria when it rained. So it is still much played !


Yes gregory its very much played, but not on AT it seems.

I've got a deck arriving any day now, the Russisches Tiertarock, it has 78 cards and I feel that if I knew more about the game I might know more about this deck. But also it would be good to investigate this side of the Tarot more here on AT.


It's of importance, that the numbers are big or that the deck has double sides:



... then it's easier to play.

The games are not SOOO complicated ... but maybe the Tarot games seem complicated, if you don't have experience with any other card games with some complexity. So that's relative.

It's usually by far not so complicated as Bridge ... it's naturally very complicated, if you only know Poker.
European card games often can be "rather complicated".

Usual trick taking games don't have the rule, that you must trump, if you can trump. Tarot games have (at least mostly) this rule and it's complicated to become used to this rule, if you're used to play without it.