Why Lenormands?



An interesting person to watch, I also like HexeClaire in youtube, well, the ones in English, my German isn't that great.


I agree !! Donnaleigh has a very soothing and practical way of reading that makes it quite user-friendly to learn :) Not to mention her talent for reading, of course !

I know! I wish her youtube readings were around when I was learning Lenormand. Those learning the cards today are very lucky and very blessed to have someone like her freely sharing her time and knowledge like this.


Keeping along this topic

I am curious if there are many professional readers who use Lenormands either instead of tarot sometimes for their querents OR will use it in conjunction with a professional reading.


All my clients prefer Lenormand now. I think its the precision and detail that impresses them. I know it impresses me !


Good to know, Ghost271!

While I love tarot, I also love Lenormand decks. I don't see them as competition, but perhaps different sides of the coin. I do like that doing a three card spread in Lenormand I seem to get a lot of information, especially about day to day, material type issues.


I think its the specifics and the amount of information you can get from a GT that also helps. When one uses typical Tarot spreads you tend to get limited info pertaining to a single question. Even in a general spread you can only get so much. I like to go 'Freestyle' with Tarot and improvise with the cards to get specifics and predictions. I think over the last few decades Tarot has become a self reflection method and a life coaching tool. Not what i think early card readers intended them to be used for ( Im not going into the whole tarochi thing). I think Lenormand is having its moment in the sun and will develope a strict following. Im still want to learn playing cards and Ettilia as well. The more tools you have for your clients the more you can offer them.


I think tarot will be my mainstay for readings for others. I think people like to have a reading that goes into detail and depth in the main. WIth regards the decks I use, ironically they are straight forward enough and tell the story in their own right, whereby the sitter can look at the same image and understand where I am coming from.
I am not sure they would do that as readily with the Lenormand images. For sure I would know what the scythe, book, anchor, lily etc would mean individually and together, but I am not sure the sitter would get anything from looking at the cards, other than 'oh that's a flower' or 'yeah I can see that is a book'.
I don't think visually, the Lenormand image would be a springboard for the sitter to really understand much if that makes sense.

But I love 'em both :D


And thats the beauty of it. Every reader is different and variety of reading styles gives our clients choice.


So true Shadowdancer and Ghost271

Readers are all different, querents are all different. Lenormand will never replace tarot for me, but it's not a competition. Sometimes I prefer reading with one, sometimes with the other, sometimes doing a back to back with each if I feel they can lend more perspective to the other. I think where I live, Lenormand may go over easier, be more...palatable...because of the images on the cards and hey, it's not called tarot :).
There are some in town who know I read and many who don't. I have an eclectic group of friends and acquaintances. Some are very academic, some are a tad...bohemian..or as bohemian as one gets in a small town...I think some would accept Lenormand easier but unless it comes up somehow or I can segue into it, I don't mention it. It's not like I go yes I enjoy reading mysteries and oh btw, I read tarot and Lenormands.