The Waite/Colman-Smith collaboration in the creation of the Rider-Waite Tarot deck


Vincent said:

Take for example the Two of Cups, with its complex alchemical symbology of Sol and Luna, the Caduceus and the Red Lion. Is there any indication that PCS had any understanding of this sort of symbolism. We know for a fact that Waite had that sort of knowledge, because he wrote books about it.

The Two of Swords caduceus and lion are in fact suggested by details in the traditional decorations of the card in the Tarot de Marseille. (The lemniscus in the 2 of Coins is from the same source.)


ihcoyc said:
The Two of Swords caduceus and lion are in fact suggested by details in the traditional decorations of the card in the Tarot de Marseille. (The lemniscus in the 2 of Coins is from the same source.)

That would be the Two of Cups, and you are correct, there is a similarity, in style at least. I can't really see a caduceus or a lion in the TdM design. Nevertheless, Waite gives credit to an earlier design, and it might be that this is the one he refers to.

Waite and Smith between them, borrowed heavily from other decks, including the TdM, and then edited them according to Waite's agenda.

I don't think anyone could suggest that the TdM card was intended to convey the same alchemical meaning of the Waite card.
