Page cards


What are your thought on these cards?

I am having a difficult time grasping these cards a lot more than other court cards, and I'd like to see how everyone views these cards. Thanks :)


Pages are like the students, they are new to everything and haven't quite gasped the context yet, they stand for exploration and study, they carry the message of their suit. The Knight is the one who takes the action on the message, the Queen is the person who assimilates the knowledge/wisdom of the message and of course the King is the reminder of what it is to become experienced based upon the message.

So Pages in the system I use are assigned Earth which is an element related to growth, so try to think of the Pages as the seeds of the idea of their suit ~

Lets take Ciro's Page of Wands he would be Earth/Fire and maybe depending on the spread and the question could be interpreted as meaning that maybe its time to put those ideas you have into action, but at the same time making sure you have done the groundwork before you begin.l

Hope that's helped!