
:party: It is almost coming to an end! :party:

5 DAYS down to 4 DAYS now......

Only "10 uncut sheets of the original tarot prints" which will never be reprinted again has indeed got my attention and purse strings at the ready.

Hard as I never wanted to collect yet I do love a lot of these artists artwork and I mean ALOT!. (Just a few I think my adorable 5 year old niece could outdo if looking at "simplicity").

The countdown is on......

DND :)


30K has just been reached in the last hour or so and still 4 days to go!!! :party:

DND :)


Thanks for the reminder. I backed it for the Astral, Nautical and Carnival decks.


These decks could be history in the making! Some of the artwork is truly phenomenal!!! Most actually.

Glad you made it in time.

DND :)

Thanks for the reminder. I backed it for the Astral, Nautical and Carnival decks.


3 days to go!!!

The COUNTDOWN is getting closer to the end minute by minute...

A bit of touch and go there, but over 30K so that means:

10 Space Treasures revealed and Cards 1,2,3,4 and 5 of whatever suit is voted the BEST as being given as postcards to backers over a certain amount I believe.

There are 2 I like for the Aces, 1 or 2 for the Twos and Threes, I think all 4 of Four I like and am still deciding on the Fives.

Decided my favorite decks will be buried with me, but will have a special container designed for them so they'll never suffer weather damage. This could change, but as I see it no one will love them the same way I do.

DND :)

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In case not all are up to date it looks like there could be an additional campaign in the making from May the 7th until June the 7th.....


Because I am certifiably insane, I will be launching a Kickstarter for the rest of the accessories (stickers and journals and case if its not reached, and maybe some new designs we work on together!) on May 7 - June 7. I need to get this all to print by mid to late June which is why I need to launch the next Kickstarter so soon. I hope you guys will help me get the word out!!!

That is all for now! I hope you guys have a beautiful Sunday, wherever you are in this galaxy!


Kayti & The 78 Tarot Dream Team"

Cooollllllll!!!!! :thumbsup:

DND :)


:party: 69 hours to go!!! :party:

12 Space treasures unlocked and it is at $30,450, so almost half way to $31,000.

Cards 1,2,3, 4, 5's are set - what about 6? Getting there, but will it......

DND :)


"40 Hours to go!!!!". :party:

Almost at $31,000 which means the SIXES will be unlocked and I like most of them.

Counting down the hours.....

DND :)


"21 Hours to go!!!"

$32,000 has been reached which means the Tarot cards from 1 to 7 have been unlocked and one will be voted for by the backers in each group.

14 postcards signed/ 3 more extras not signed.

Have increased my pledge as there is an "add on" I would like to own.

Countdown is getting closer by the minute.....exciting times!.

DND :)


I seriously can't even wait for this deck! SO FLIPPING EXCITED!