Looking for a Women's Health Spread


Women's Health Spread

(original quetsion)I tried the Spreads Index and found health spreads, and spreads for pregnancy in the Women's section, but does anybody know of a spread that can be used when a woman is having problems with her monthly cycle?

The spread I came up with to deal with this situation is in the third post.

This is my first attempt at making my own formal spread, so feedback is appreciated.


Maybe you draw 4 cards, for every week one card, you might see, in which week your problems begin. PMS or during the "red week" :(
Or you might look for a fullmoon-Spread, because in former times "these days" went along with the fullmoon-cycle, regularly 28 days.
The cards may show you if you need medical aid or more help for your soul (or both).


The Spread

After searching through many spreads, I decided to combine a few together to make my own. I just did the spread for the woman who is in trouble, and she says she knows exactly what to do to get help now. So I thought I would share what I came up with.


1. You
2. Your Problem
--a. physical
--b. mental
--c. emotional
3. The Cause
4. What hidden things need to be looked at
5. Where intuition is needed
6. What intuition is trying to say
7. Why it was lost
8. How can it be recovered.

The spread was done because she had a case of a missing period for several months, not due to pregnancy, and wasn't sure which direction to go. Without putting down the whole reading, the general outcome is that she has stress and guilt issues that have been manifesting themselves in physical ways. So now she knows how to proceed (while also knowing that a doctor's checkup is the best way to really make sure nothing worse is wrong).

The spreads I borrowed information from were:
Kath's Lost Object Spread
mahimaisme's Moon Spread
and The Grail Cup Spread from "The Giant Book of Card Divination" by Jeanne Ruland