Le Petit Jeu Lenormand dévoile enfin son mystère


In her recent book “Le Petit Jeu Lenormand dévoile enfin son mystère,” Steliana Pujolras links the creation of the Lenormand cards to a French literary cabal. Is anyone here familiar with her work?


I have not actually read it but I am aware of the theories (via Caitlín Matthews who has done so) and they were discussed at length on FB a little while back.

Most – if not all – were easy to demonstrate that they did not hold up to scrutiny. It's an interesting theory but there is just nothing to give it weight.


Thank you. I have not read it either. The theory seems a bit far-fetched …


Thank you. I have not read it either. The theory seems a bit far-fetched …

I think if someone was very interested they should get it. I planned to but was short of money at the time. I believe most of it is pages of combinations.

The book basically proposes that the cards were based on the writings of Ballanche, a French philosopher, particularly his symbolic quadrants via a follower in his literary circle. She proposes that there was a misidentification, between Mlle. Le Normand and this woman who had a similar name.

But, going on memory from Caitlín Matthews and others said and the research we did, subsequently, she offered no explanation or documentary proof as to why the card manufacturers would even be aware of this individual or her literary friends.

As several decks were published with the ‘Lenormand’ tag, as well as a couple of decks by Mlle. Le Normand’s ‘successors’ such as the chiromancy deck, this would also need to be explained.

In addition the claims on Ballanche’s writing were erroneous. Ballanche’s writings were, indeed, composed in highly emblematic and complex language and for this reason they were particularly criticised. He never even finished his works.