If you couldn't learn to read Lenormands "properly"


I understand your frustration in that I have a horrible time memorizing anything and have to re-memorize frequently ...

And I knew I ought to know your name, but couldn't think "who you were" - then I looked at your photograph and though "Oh, I hope I didn't sound impolite!"



I agree with Daniel in making it more of a story...which from what I'm learning is NOT the way to do it with Lenormand. A story to me has too much detail, while Lenormand is supposed to be more "short and sweet", direct and to the point.
I feel that with the tarot there is more of a story that unfolds, where the details of the cars can lead to more depth in the answer or issue at hand. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but what I'm learning is that with Lenormand, details of the cards don't mean much, they are what they are, they mean what they mean, and that is that.
I'm considering using them like I do the tarot...paying attention the details more and telling a story. Where it DOES matter which way the fox is looking as well as the woman and the man, and also the pictures and images on the tree or the house.
I haven't thought about spreads so much, there was only one that I saw, and was quickly told that was not the way to use Lenormand, that those spreads were for tarot, but if it works for me, then I would say that's what matters. If the info I get is still accurate, then that's what I'm going for.
I haven't been using any, as I was trying to do 3 card spreads to learn the Lenormand.
But my thoughts recently have been to layer them with my tarot, or just pull them and let the story unfold as I would a tarot question where I don't feel to use a particular spread or positions for cards.

Just my plan, but you have to find what is going to work for you.


final suggestion Pathwinder :) what about having images or a film playing in your memory for each card or symbol? visual keywords if you like. the memory experts give words an image and can remember it really well. For example Anchor - my picture of it is that it hangs off a ship, so picture it hanging off a ship. if the water is really rough or they want to stop the ship, they 'down the anchor'. the ship is secure and stays exactly where it is safely. Maybe that anchor has gone down at a port or shore. There is already a Lenormand card for a 'ship' for sailing and travel and overseas, so what is the difference? well this is about that anchor put down on the ship. it's not moving. When it's down there is safety and security. They can do work on the ship or safely get off the ship.

Then apply that visual keyword to each reading based on that visual image. It's a good way to start and maybe helps you remember better? :cool3:

Thank you - great images, and memorable.

My biggest problem comes as soon as you start to put together the combinations. Once you've got three cards, but you are looking at them forwards, backwards, top to bottom (I know you'd more for that) and if card A comes before card B it means this, but if it comes at the end of the row it means something different.!
And if I could manage it with 3, well maybe okay. But a 3x3 square - nope? I've melted into a puddle of lost paths and dead ends and my brain is dripping out of my ear. I have to have several sheets of paper, and write down anll the possible directions of reading, and so on. It's a stress, not a joy.

So I need to box them in, each one, or create just a "one direction" spread or something. I know I cut off a lot of what folks would see as the messages, but I'm not trying to "read Lenormand" anymore, I'm sifting ways to use a lenormand deck as an oracle - or have to sell the lovlies. (Because I wouldn't feel able to keep them if I really couldn't use them)

Time for our evening meal here - please excuse me, I'll be back... (oh, cliche!)


This is a fairly new site that has some different ways of looking at the cards that might help you: www.cafelenormand.com

The questions at the end of each of the card meanings open up different ideas that might make it easier for you to remember things. It still has a few meanings to go, but it's being updated and more added daily.


This is a fairly new site that has some different ways of looking at the cards that might help you: www.cafelenormand.com

The questions at the end of each of the card meanings open up different ideas that might make it easier for you to remember things. It still has a few meanings to go, but it's being updated and more added daily.

I have just checked out that site and I like it, I've saved it so I can explore later! Thanks for sharing :)


Maybe just forget that they are Lenormand decks and just think of them as your cards and read them in whatever way works for you.

I just received the Burning Serpent Oracle (maybe not exactly a Lenormand to the purists, but close enough for me). I nearly put it aside as I've also been trying to learn the correct way to read Lenormand cards. I couldn't resist them as they are so beautiful so I just laid three cards in a row and went with whatever came into my head. I then laid another two rows of three underneath and looked for how each card related to the ones above and below, and I was stunned at how easily I made sense of the reading.

I have accumulated a few Lenormand decks (being a bit of a collectaholic) and I would prefer to find a way to read with them that works for me rather than part with them.

:) :) :)


Back now, and thank you for the replies, and I'm glad folks are mentioning and finding resources :)

You're right avalonian, I want to read them as 'something else' but of course, if I view them as an oracle, I have no creators LWB with suggested spreads.
So I'd like to make a special kind of oracle, in a category of their own, and devise a spread and system for using them, without feeling the need to change their meanings very much. But to create something else from them that is still coherent.

That was the heart of my question really - if anyone else has gone down this route, what did you end up with?


I use my Lenornand for a daily one card draw. One card. That's it. Works for me.


Is it just me, or have you noticed that there has been a lot of new lennies deck creations coming out recently?

I wasn't even aware of what the lenormand was until I was at the markets and saw a box that I liked, and went oh, i'll get that and have a look.... It was then that I discovered the 'lennies' and also the forum has helped a lot!

I was fascinated with them, and watched a few youtube videos and found an awesome site that resonates with me. http://learnlenormand.com/lenormand-card-combinations-2/

As for reading the lennies, yep it can seem rather complex with all the spreads that are available and if you're going to read diagonals and what not and remembering the combinations. I don't remember all the combinations. I use the site, when I pull 3 cards as a bit of a quick reference guide, and kinda use the site as a bit of a prompt to see if I feel anything - if that makes sense? I'm still learning, so I don't have any issues with using the site lol.

I also carried around a small deck with me, in my hand bag and just shuffled them a lot to get used to using them and seeing the images, which I found helped tune into my energies...

My friend reads the lennies differently, and uses the pictures to make a bit of a story up as she goes a long and if the story doesn't make sense to her, she will check the website out and see if that resonates with the question being asked.

I guess I was 'lucky' to just feel connected to using the lennies straight away.

So If I was to give you any advice, and i'm still such a newbie anyways - i'd say just pull 2 or 3 cards daily, for your day, as in what you might encounter n' stuff like that.... and then at the end of the day re-evaluate and see how the 3 cards linked in with your day - also using your intuition / gut feeling / knowing feeling helps. Also just getting a deck that you like, and focus on one deck for a month, looking at the pictures, picking up things in the background handling them... might help you connect?

Hope that helps a little,



Thank you to everyone for your input. I am going to stick with just one deck, I have chosen the one that works best for me, and then see what seems to work.
Not traditional, and I will never claim to "read" Lenormand, but fun maybe.

Thanks :)