Positive cards in the opposing side


Hello! I am a beginner in tarot, just received my deck and book and am studying the cards and the spreads. The problem that I have is that I am unsure on how to interpret opposing cards, if they are positive. For example, when I asked about job (in the beginning, just to see how it would work) I got The Sun as an opposing card and The Moon as outcome. How could I interpret these? The Moon is about illusions, so probably the person is seeing illusions, probably you get fooled by the illusion that you did something right. But what about The Sun? And If I get Three of Wands or One of Wands as opposing, what do I say? Do they act like reversals (also, the book I have doesn't talk much about reversals, from what I know, they are a completely opposite meaning, right?) Thanks!

EDIT: Also, Opposing Four of Wands and pretty much any positive card are hard to interpret. Four of Wands is about stability and harmony, Opposing would be about instability in one's life?

EDIT 2: The same goes for negative cards in the Helpful Matters position. Let's say I get Five of Wands in Helpful Matters. What should I say? That the person should profit while the conflict is going? That doesn't seem quite right...


Hi Akira,

I'm also a beginner. Just a disclaimer :)

I always interpreted "positive" cards in opposing positions as warnings, usually related to having too much/not enough of the positive aspects of the card. For instance, the Sun could normally be interpreted as happiness, success, optimism, and breakthrough/new understanding. In an opposing position, it might indicate excessive optimism, temporary/illusory success, etc. A warning not to get too wrapped up in the happy, warm aspects brought by the Sun.