1 of Pentacles on How I should not act?


This is with dealing someone who is "wealthy", or at least upper-middle class.

I am confuse if Ace of Pentacles mean...

1. I shouldn't act like there is only a little bit of money in existence. Therefore, it is okay to ask for financial assistance? Don't act poor, and be frugal, and financially conservative? They want to financially help me out.

2. I shouldn't act like there is lots of money in existence? Don't rely on them financially at all? Don't act like they are my personal bank? Live a frugal lifestyle instead. Refuse their offers of money.

I am confuse if Ace of Pentacles indicates a particular amount of money that exist financially or not.

Ace Pentacles....

- Small amount of money versus 10 of Pentacles (a wealth of money)?

or ....

- Money exist in general, no amount in particular (small or a large amount)

What is is this card telling me to do?


The Ace Pentacles ... well, Aces are a punch of their element. If, in your thinking and Tarot-work, you've tied Pentacles to money (rather than to the broader physical world), then it is probably saying:

Don't act around them as if you are money-centred and that nothing else matters at the moment.


The Ace Pentacles ... well, Aces are a punch of their element. If, in your thinking and Tarot-work, you've tied Pentacles to money (rather than to the broader physical world), then it is probably saying:

Don't act around them as if you are money-centred and that nothing else matters at the moment.

This card is odd for me of why it would suggest such a thing, because I am not a money hungry and materialistic person. Right now, I am even throwing away things I own in order to have less clutter in my life. I desire to have a very minimalistic life right now, since I value life experience over buying and collecting things. However....

I won't deny that I am having a little financial difficulty of living paycheck to paycheck right now. Regardless, this person is not a family member, nor a close friend, so I would never ask them for money in the first place. Hell, in the past I never asked a boyfriend for money. I've always tried to keep money matters out of all of my relationships. There is only one person I ask for money, only if I am desperate need of it, and that is a very close relative.

I know that you didn't ask for this information, but I wanted to add this, because asking for money from non-family members is something I don't do. So this card coming up perplexes me.

If this card is NOT about money, then? Don't act "like I am healthy (I am overweight), sensualist (slutty? erotic? sexually knowledgeable?), practical, rewarded, career-minded (I am passionate about my acting career), comfortable, fertile (Me possibly being menopausal currently?), prosperous, or successful". All definitions for this card, as well.


The Ace Pentacles ... well, Aces are a punch of their element. If, in your thinking and Tarot-work, you've tied Pentacles to money (rather than to the broader physical world), then it is probably saying:

Don't act around them as if you are money-centred and that nothing else matters at the moment.

I was going to say the same thing, The Ace of Pents doesn't necessarily mean money but as your already seeing this card as representing money, I think it's telling you to stop focusing so much on it.


This is with dealing someone...

What is the relationship with the "someone"? For example, friend, parent, neighbor, boss, casual acquaintance, spouse, lover, ex, classmate...?

ETA: Oops, I see now it's someone who wants to help you out. Just a guess then: it might say, "Be careful about accepting financial help," as everything comes with a price.


What is the relationship with the "someone"? For example, friend, parent, neighbor, boss, casual acquaintance, spouse, lover, ex, classmate...?

ETA: Oops, I see now it's someone who wants to help you out. Just a guess then: it might say, "Be careful about accepting financial help," as everything comes with a price.

To be honest, an acquaintance with sexual attraction, but we are not lovers. We rarely see each other, but when we do "sparks fly". But that is it.

I can say that he is quite manipulative with other people. I've seen him use his money and social-status to impress people, and to get them to do whatever he wants to do. He comes from a family that is prominent in the entertainment industry, so he throws his family name around, and people sh*t in their pants and kiss his ass. But I can't be bothered. I think it is okay to persuade people to do what you want sometimes, but he seems like he does it all the time for every little thing....you know, have the world revolve around him.


To be honest, an acquaintance with sexual attraction, but we are not lovers. We rarely see each other, but when we do "sparks fly". But that is it.

I can say that he is quite manipulative with other people. I've seen him use his money and social-status to impress people, and to get them to do whatever he wants to do. He comes from a family that is prominent in the entertainment industry, so he throws his family name around, and people sh*t in their pants and kiss his ass. But I can't be bothered. I think it is okay to persuade people to do what you want sometimes, but he seems like he does it all the time for every little thing....you know, have the world revolve around him.

To me, then, the ace might be that all the dude has in his hand to offer you is the pentacle: money, physicality, the physical manifestation and impact of The Holy Name, but there ain't much room for a cup or sword of justice or anything else....okay, some folks could fit a rod in there too! But you know what I mean.


I know that you didn't ask for this information, but I wanted to add this, because asking for money from non-family members is something I don't do. So this card coming up perplexes me.
Well, you *did* make specific mention that they were wealthy and that teh card is wedded to money in your thinking about it, so perhaps they *thought* you might be interested in their money, so in order to keep the relationship wholesome, my suggestion of acting like money is not on your mind stands.