Full Deck Spread?


I'm curious if anyone has tried this full deck spread:

There is a fairly long explanation of the spread at the above link, but I'll give you the basics of it here. The cards are laid out in thirteen piles of six cards each. The first pile is number 0, and placed at the centre of the reading, and represents the heart of the entire reading. The remaining piles are numbered 1-12, and placed in a circle around the middle. These piles represent the 12 astrological houses. The six cards within the piles are numbered 0-5. Card 1 represents the matter in question, 2 the source, 3 the factors which bear upon the matter, 4 the actions taken, 5 the outcome, and 0 the heart of the house. Each of these 12 piles are interpreted with regards to the house they represent.

My explanation isn't great, but the website I've linked to lays it out very well. Anyway, I've had this spread tucked away in my old Tarot spread notebook for years, but I've never given it a try. I thought I'd give it a go later this week, but I'm wondering if anyone else has tried it. I'd love to hear if you found it useful or not.


this is when i am glad i got a tarot journal.
i find notes from 1991 about trying this old spread (or one much like it with 12 piles) but since i didn't know much about astrology i named the piles after their meanings so this is what my piles where for:
1, significator
2, money or values
3, family, education, travels
4, the home, mother
5, children, pleasure, lovers, gambling
6, work and health
7, your partner, relationships
8, death, birth, sex and inner life
9, law and religion
10, status, goals
11, friends and hobbies
12, inner self and the shadow

well, perhaps not so very astrological at all but this is what it looked like and i used the full deck and i remember it took forever to interpret and in the end i was really disappointed cause i felt that the overwhelming number of cards made it too shallow, it just lacked in depth, trying to cover too much at once.
but it was a fun experiment!


Jema, you didn't know much about astrology when you used that spread? Seems close to me, only 1,3 don't correspond to their respective astrological house to the letter...

Silverlotus, I have used that spread, and it's true that it's long and involved, so I only use it once a year at or around my birthday. Other people, about the same, because it does take at least a couple of hours.

It seems to work very well to me, especially on other people. I find it a little hard to interpert for myself-that usually takes over four hours, to see how it all fits together.


Thank you for the input. I've got a nice chunk of quiet time coming up, so I think I just may use it to try this spread. I won't go in with a lot of expectations though. :)