Tirage en Croix


This spread was mentioned elsewhere, it was the title of a book by Kris Hadar. By Googling I was able to come up with this account (en Français) of it.

This is a four card spread, very simple, not much to remember, and I like it for that reason:

1      2

Card 1, the Consultant, represents the consultant, or the subject of the question, if it isn't yourself.

Card 2, the World, represents what confronts the question, the real world, and how it reacts to the card that confronts it (card 1)

Card 3, the Advice, is the Tarot's advice. This card tells you how to analyse what you should do; it's an adviser.

Card 4, Destiny, put at the bottom, is the likeliest outcome of the project.


What a nice little spread! I love it. Very neat and complete. Thanks for sharing.



do you retrieve card 1 from the deck like a significator - which I personally don't actually use - or do you just deal it out and read it as the position they find themselves in at the time of reading please?




You just deal it out. There's no significator.


Hey, this is good spread which I could use for daily reading! :)

Thanks for sharing!!!!!

*writing it down in her journal* ;)