has anyone got judge judys birth chart?


tried to find it but couldnt
i would EXPECT to see libra in it alot or scorpio, if not then be interested to see something strong on the ascendant/mc


thank you hudson and ydm!


5 planets in Libra and for a dawn birth time is libra rising too

i knew it, i just knew it

libra sun square jupiter and pluto, libra venus square jupiter
mars libra square jupiter

- very very fitting for a truth and justice warmonger

excellent lol

dave!!! this means that signs are important no?

no wonder i love her -my chart makes so many aspects with hers

for the dawn birthtime its 25 pisces moon but i will hedge my bets she is an aries moon (though she is compassionate) -so impatient and outspoken lol and gives those guts to the libra parts


thanks seaweed- bookmarked

It would be good if we can do one of those quizzes again where someone puts up a birthchart and we have to try interpret it and guess who it is :)

I'll do one in the New Year after my holiday if no one starts one before then