Shadowscapes Study - Five of Pentacles


"The Five of Pentacles is indicative of spiritual poverty, material troubles, insecurity, and hard times. There is a neglecting of the body's needs, a feeling of being ostracized and excluded, of loss. There is disconnect. And yet, salvation is not far off, if you can make that connection and see past the mental and physical blockages. Even the thorny bush that she views as her only companion bears flowers." -Stephanie Pui-Mun Law (little white book)

This card is very similar to the Rider Waite Smith depiction. In comparison, I actually feel more of the sense of feeling ostracized and disconnected, with the lack of any other human figure other than the desolate woman. The meaning of poverty and material troubles has to be read in a bit since she looks similar to most other figures in the deck and she even has a golden arm circlet. However, her garment is grayed and her upper part is shown bare. This partial nudity and her body position does radiate a sense of vulnerability and troubles.

I have read that other people find this card harder to read compared to the RWS depiction, mainly because finding companionship can be less obvious in Stephanie's depiction. However, I do feel like you can find that meaning in here, although I don't really see it with the thorn bush like the artist describes. I see it more in the butterfly that flies so close to the woman's hand. It reminds me of the image of Adam and God with their hands loosely reaching out to one another. The golden aura around the butterfly makes me find more significance in it rather than the thorn bush as a companion. And i think its an interesting depiction of a companion because it may even call the querent to think of a companion in their lives that is less apparent, perhaps someone that they haven't realized yet who can be a pivotal aid to getting through these tough times. Companionship can be found in the most unexpected places.
There's also the lizard watching further away. More companions than you may realize.

I do have questions about this card though. Above the woman's head is a symbol almost like a elemental symbol but its not. It could be a strange star, like a six pointed star with two of its points pushed in. Or it could be the triforce with an extension (geek side of me). Is someone familiar with this symbol and if so, what does it mean?

And what do you think the phoenix with a heart on the stained glass window may mean?

Artistically, I absolutely love the crack in the wall that goes straight down to the pentacle above her head. The pentacle cracking into the wall just radiates the despair even more. Such a poignant depiction.


Sorry disregard this thread. There is another thread on the Shadowscapes 5 of Pents that is already part of the deck's study index. I'll repost this on that thread.