What Cards Have You Had For Certain Events?


Four of wands for someone finally getting a job after being out of work for an extended period of time.


Queen of Cups - I have gotten this card several times in career readings, and it always meant encountering a catty, incompetent woman who has to interview candidates. Usually very biased, incompetent and acting fake.


Congratulations�������� this is something!!

thank you MissChiff the best part is I can use that money to buy more Tarot Decks

they say it takes 21 days to break a habit so I'm very excited about tomorrow

I've been eating and snacking a lot more; I'll need to pull a card to change that next :) jk


I've got more!

Temperance: My editor asking me to make revisions on an article. So I guess Temperance is about making adjustments until the final product is perfect.

3 of Pentacles Reversed: Someone having performance anxiety when it comes to sex. Not feeling they have the skills to impress their lover!

10 of Wands Reversed: A man feeling relieved after walking a way from an ex that he felt was too much of an uphill battle.

Justice: Myself wanting to seek revenge on someone after someone did something extremely foul to me. So I guess this is about wanting to "level things out." You did me wrong, now you'll have to pay the consequences.

Queen of Wands Reversed: A woman I knew that gets "turned on," so to speak, by stirring the pot. She thrives on drama and loves instigating debates/arguments.

Knight of Pentacles: A job that feels as if it isn't contributing to career mobility. Very stagnant, very boring.

Knight of Swords: A friend of mine who is a college professor felt as if she couldn't keep up with the demands of the institution.

2 of Pentacles and Lovers: A duplicitous man that loves to keep, at least, two women circulating in his portfolio.

7 of Swords: Always comes up when someone is trying to avoid contact or confrontation.

Magician Reversed: When a woman asked why she's not enjoying her sex life, Magician Rx represented her lover, who didn't know what the heck he was doing...though he made it seem like he had it in the bag.

Strength Reversed: A woman who felt ill/sick.

Hanged Man: A man who found difficulties connecting with others because he marched to the beat of his own drum -- he had a different way of seeing the world.


As daily card the 8 of Pentacles for me meant spending the day working at/writing my thesis.


8 of Wands A lot of detours during a commute and me having to make hasty decisions.


Tower as a terrorist attack - twice


I pulled High Priestess Rx twice this week

Keeping Secrets or Withholding information

There was some controversy this week with my coworkers and I didn't want to get involved so I did keep the information I had to myself.

Pique Dame

I pulled High Priestess Rx twice this week

Keeping Secrets or Withholding information

There was some controversy this week with my coworkers and I didn't want to get involved so I did keep the information I had to myself.
This is good to know because I had it come up for a question I had a while back and I wasn't sure if it meant secrets continuing to be kept or being unlocked. I pulled a clarifier and got Knight of Swords, which I saw as him charging recklessly at the upside-down HP and trying to unlock her secrets, but I still couldn't tell if it meant he was successfully doing it or not. From your description, I'm now thinking he certainly tried but she continued to guard them and keep them hidden.


7 of Swords Rx - return of stolen property

It was a very expensive item. Needless to say, the owner was very happy to get it back!