Reading for someone not nearby?


I have told a few friends I am starting to learn tarot and they have asked me to read for them. I like reading in person because I get instant feedback when I'm on the right path. But sometimes they aren't with me and text for advice.
Do you prefer the querent to be with you? Or happy to do it without them there? Does it matter?

I personally by far prefer the client NOT to be with me when I read.

I only read remotely (by e-mail) and the querent is rarely in the same city as me, often not in the same country. For me that's the way I prefer it.

It suits the way I read best. First because it takes me a long time to do a reading. It can take about 3 hours to do a 3 card reading. I can't imagine anyone wanting to sit around 3 hours to have a reading.

Also I could not read with distractions. I need to kindof zone out, be in a very meditative state, where my thoughts are turned off. Having someone in the room with me would distract me. For myself, I could not maintain the state I need to be in to read properly if there someone was watching me, or worse trying to talk to me. I need to turn off my thoughts to listen inside.

Also, I prefer e-mail readings as I think they can be better for the querent. In the sense that you have the images of the cards and all that was said exactly as it was said right in front of you. Then you can print it and save it to see later if things played out as predicted. In an in person reading, months or years later you can't remember what the cards looked like that came up. Or the exact wording, In an e-mail reading you can save it and have access to the reading exactly as it was given, forever.

I personally don't like feedback during a reading. OR worse, when someone gives me too much info about the situation before I do the reading. Those things make it harder for me to read. I prefer to know nothing about the situation before starting. Just the question is all I need. Otherwise, if I have an idea in my head of what is going on that could unconsciously influence what I see in the cards and cause me to see something that was not intended to be the answer.

Someone giving you feedback may be wrong. We even can get feedback from tone of voice and body language if reading in person. My belief is that the querent may PERCEIVE a situation as being this or that, but they may be misunderstanding it or not seeing clearly.It happened to me once where I got a reading I was SURE was completely wrong. No way it could be right. A week or two later, I realized that it had actually been SO true. I just had had a bit of a mental block and was not able to see things clearly as they were initially.

People can misunderstand, it can happen. Feedback is only as good as the understanding of the person at that moment in time. For me, I need to read clear-minded with no preconceptions to read accurately. The cards can always see through it all to the truth, sometimes we, as humans, cannot always do that as clearly.

After the reading is completely done and over with, then feedback to hear about the actual situation adn what it is about can be fun. But never before or during for me.

Also, I have to add in that I really get a kick from reading for people all over the Australia, Italy....or whatever country and seeing how human nature is so similar all over the world. I really love working with people in other countries.

Those are my beliefs on that. So a big vote for remote readings, I do much prefer them and always have.



It works better for me when they are not there. I don't wat to see their reactions because it affects the way I read the cards, it twists it. I mean I could be on the right path but when I see their reaction I go wrong..

Exactly, it's a distraction. Their feelings can affect your feelings, their beliefs can affect your beliefs and can lead you off track. For me anyway....
