The Mission of Honor Spread (7)


I've noticed that it may help to interpret the central card #4, The Beauty, first.

Makes sense. I forgot to say that I laid the cards in an arch rather than a straight line. Seven is too many for me to "hold" visually, unless they're "shaped", lol. I planned a horse shoe, but they placed themselves the other way up so The Beauty was a peak. (They ended up in a very shallow upside-down V, in fact.)

I should say that the British "lucky" horse shoe is a U - I was forgetting that the French (and I don't know who else) hangs theirs the other way up already. I always understood you had to keep it "upright", like a U, so the luck wouldn't fall out (and here, it's bad luck to hang it the other way up), but apparently in France it's expected to fly out so has to be roofed in. And this paragraph is entirely off topic.


Thanks for this spread, it's great! I tried it yesterday with one mod. I added a Querant card at the beginning, which I moved along the way towards The Beauty. It looked something like this:


I did this because I thought it made sense to have a person move towards their heart's desire, stopping at each line to interpret it separately along the way. The correspondences 1-7, 2-6, 3-5 are kept in tact with the Querant as an intermediary.

The addition of a moving part to this spread was inspired by Barbara Moore's steam punk tarot and the accompanying book.

I hope you guys like it!


Cool! :thumbsup:
So do you randomly draw the Q card or is it something you'd recommend picking out first before shuffling and dealing?

I may give this a try with your version; it's been a while since I've done this spread. :)