Does everyone use spreads?


I usually know before hand how I want to lay out cards and what they will mean (That is what meaning each position will signify.) But not everyone does. My mentor believed you put cards down where they feel like they should go, then turn them over and see what the reading is. The cards form their own pattern.

If it works for you, use it.


That sounds like my kinda thing! Thanks for sharing!!


What kind of structure aids?

I think he meant: aids= help. having structure, helps.
I don't always use spreads, but for serious, indepth readings I do like to have the structure that spreads provide. Each position answering a specific question, etc.

I often do quick, three card layouts without specific positions assigned. Which ever card stands out the most is the focus and how the cards interact together is the rest of the reading- these I feel are "free form, non structured, not really spreads".



I think he meant: aids= help. having structure, helps.
I don't always use spreads, but for serious, indepth readings I do like to have the structure that spreads provide. Each position answering a specific question, etc.

I often do quick, three card layouts without specific positions assigned. Which ever card stands out the most is the focus and how the cards interact together is the rest of the reading- these I feel are "free form, non structured, not really spreads".

I think I am a lot like you in fact... and I am learning so much here... that I think in no time I will move on to a more structured style, still very loosely fitting though. I also think each reading is so specific that an imposed structure is perhaps not always appropriate.


I like!!
What is G.T??

A Grand Tableau. Using all 36 of the Lenormand cards. I don't necessarily read all 36 cards, but its an interesting spread and covers a lot of detail. I am still a beginner with Lenormand however, so still getting my feet wet with this deck of cards and the G.T. :)


A Grand Tableau. Using all 36 of the Lenormand cards. I don't necessarily read all 36 cards, but its an interesting spread and covers a lot of detail. I am still a beginner with Lenormand however, so still getting my feet wet with this deck of cards and the G.T. :)

I don't attempt to read all 36 cards all at once either. In addition to the personal significator and its associations, I look at the various theme or focus cards (health, work, money, family, friends, etc.) and the cards surrounding those as little "vortices" of specific influence in the bigger picture. (This is where I find knighting or "intersecting" to the main significator quite useful).This helps me manage such a massive layout in a more orderly way. Since the GT is more of a long-range projection or "life reading," I take note of everything, although I may not talk about each and every area if the querent's interests lie elsewhere.

Back on topic (sort of), if I ever do a large enough tarot spread to warrant this approach, it might work just as well with elemental "hot spots" (the functional correspondences of the four suits) or maybe even "people" involved in the situation.

Michael Sternbach

I most often use a spread, except when there is no particular query, then I sometimes simply draw three cards without labeled positions. And sometimes just a single one.

Other than that, I have a some go-to spreads in my tool box, for relationship analysis, personality analysis, life tendencies, health issues, decision making etc. Most often, they have around seven cards (not counting summaries, shadow card, clarifiers).

I may try out a more unorthodox spread if I happen to see it in a book or on a website on occasion.

So I'm always quite curious about spreads I come across, but I find that most don't add much to my practice. It's usually the same handful of spreads that I resort to.


I usually just layout some cards with no positions unless I am reading for or exchanging with someone and we agreed on a spread or I am in a circle exchange.

However I really recommend varying your tarot method to try out new things! Do a large spread or a position spread every month and you realise it's worth using them sometimes. Having proper positions can be useful for certain questions or for being more precise. Now I decide if the spread warrants structure or a free flow of the reading!

I try and do a spread from the spread index here every month, keep it varied :)


If i am ask a question where a spread is the best way to get details i will.
Lately, i have been using the Opening of the key to read just the cards.