Timing with Lenormand


i think one should assign his own season/month/week to each card and then follow his own method rather than trying to find one universal method which will work for all, because what works for me might not work for you, and vice versa


These are the traditional meanings as I know them. I've never found them particularly useful or reliable.

January - Mountain
February - Storks
March - Book
April - Gentleman
May - Lady
June - Letter
July - Dog
August - Heart
September - Anchor
October - Birds
November - Key
December - Fox

Winter - Lilies
Spring - Bouquet
Summer - Sun
Autumn - Scythe

Coffin - soon.
Ring - indefinite.
Cross - now.

House - morning
Garden - noon (luncheon)
Moon - evening
Star - night

Mice - day (negative)

Cavalier - soon, one day to one month.
Cloverleaf - within four days.
Child - within the week.
Road - four to eight weeks.

Tower - twelve months.
Whip - two years.
Ship - three years.
Fish – four years.
Tree - five years.
Clouds - six years.
Snake - seven years.
Bear - eights years plus.

I personally try and use the cards dealt, taking into the account the flow and blocks however for me these indicate the following:

Lily - Yule
Bouquet - Ostara
Sun - midsummer
Scythe - Mabon

Cavalier - normally a day to a week.
Clover - a week.
Moon - a lunar month.
Tower - a year.

In order of slowness: Mountain, Anchor, Tree. If those are about I know it is a longer time frame.


Bumping as people are looking for information on timing and its a good resource


I recently pulled for a timing spread and got the moon+mice and it said to me eclipse, not conventional but it made sense at the time. the saying that the moon was made of cheese, was in my head.

Moon and Mice are both cards that carry with them a sense of urgency and fast action, so naturally they are timing cards that represent quick dealings and fast events.



Because timing with the Lenormand – or any divination system, really – will never be fully reliable, I would only ever make note of if any seasonal cards appeared (Lily: Winter, Flowers: Spring, Sun: Summer, Scythe: Autumn) because they are the most probable timing ranges for something to occur.