Cinderella's Slipper Spread


Hi everyone!

I thought I would share a spread that I created and very much enjoyed using. I had a whimsical Disney-esque strike of creativity that relates to the story of Cinderella.

She was a girl who had almost everything except for a dress to the ball, haha!

This spread is a self-improvement/insight into your love life. It helps you to resurface the origin of your relationship/love life problems. It'll help divulge obstacles that stand in your way and improvements you need to make.

~*Cinderella's Slipper*~

***** 1 *****
***** 2 *****
*** 3 ** 4 ***
***** 5 *****
***** 6 *****

1: Glass Slipper - A truth you left behind or forgot
2: The Pumpkin Carriage - Obstacle(s) in your way
3: The Ballgown Dress - Improvement you still need
4: Midnight Chime - How long you need till you're ready
5: Prince Charming - Characteristics of what kind of Prince Charming you NEED (not want)
6: Fairy Godmother - Advice from your own Fairy Godmother

Sample Reading below:

1: Glass Slipper - A truth you left behind or forgot (Ace of Wands)
Seeing the reading as a whole, it seems that this will revolve on your resolution on love and how you find it. This card tells me that you may have forgotten what you want out of love or a relationship. You are a very romantic person and fall in love with the idea of love and that's just who you are. A romantic at heart and tear up easily. But you're not docile and still have a mind of your own. Ace of wands is an action card and it seems that you have left behind the conviction of trying to find that person who fits your puzzle. Granted, when we find love, sometimes the partners we choose aren't a perfect fit but good enough. It seems you've taken on that mantra recently and it's starting to affect your mentality. This card shows to me as a warning. To see the problem before it ever begins. To put it simply, you've seem to have taken lightly of dating, which is not a bad thing, but can be during important times in your life.

2: The Pumpkin Carriage - Obstacle(s) in your way (The Lovers)
The obstacle here shows us that the way you choose your partners are starting to show a certain pattern and it's starting to stick in a not so good way. Maybe it started with a great relationship you once had but it ended badly and since then your partners afterwards have either gone the same way or it just never worked out long enough. Either way, it seems that you are getting hurt in the process. Imagine a scab trying to protect over a wound that is trying to heal, but you're picking around the edges of the scab thinking it's healed enough to pick at. (Not sure if that metaphor makes sense, haha) It's showing that the obstacle to bettering yourself, is your love life that hasn't healed yet.

3: The Ballgown Dress - Improvement you still need (Temperance)
This is great advice to get for this reading. Temperance is saying you need to find that balance again. You once had the balance but something tip the scales and now something's not adding up right. You may be trying to find the balance through love, but think this through from a logical standpoint. It does look like patience is not your strong suit though. But think about yourself and ask yourself is love and romance really what you need right now? Ideally, of course, we should go into relationships and love with a ready hearts to be filled with un-ending love and support, with no constraints and no reserves. Find the balance and you'll be on your way to better relationships that won't make you second guess or feel any doubt.

4: Midnight Chime - How long you need till you're ready (Knight of Cups)
This is another good sign I see. Seeing as how impatient you can sometimes be, it shows that if you do decide to take a step back, really invest in creating a balance in your life, you'll on ready to start a new path(or right back on it) to a better love that's waiting for you at the end of the rainbow. This card tells us that you only need to take a moment's worth of patience to really evaluate your current situation, make some active decisions for moving forward and you should be ready!

5: Prince Charming - Characteristics of what kind of Prince Charming you NEED (not want) (Five of Cups)
The kind of person that you need by your side, is one that is experienced in life. Meaning, they may have some scars and gone through somethings but they have survived through it all and came out of it for the better. Something tells me that you had similar partners before but they were still in the process of healing themselves, therefore not making for the best potential partner for you. You are the kind of person that wants to share in your loved ones pain and take it upon yourself to share the weight that they carry within them, but you must understand, sometimes there are burdens in our lives we must carry and work through on our own. This person will bring some great insight to you and actually broaden your horizon when it comes to pain and hurt. You'll understand more about human nature and thereby understanding more about life itself. They'll be protective and strong but not of brute strength that comes from physical training, but from their strong strength of will. This kind of partner will only add to your improvement as you grow strong with them, instead of them adding more weight for you to carry on your shoulders.

6: Fairy Godmother - Advice from your own Fairy Godmother (Nine of Cups)
Your Fairy Godmother shows us that you are almost ready and almost there. You are just one thing short from a great future ahead of you. The problem lies mostly with your love life and once you've grown from it and learned form it, you will likely have a happy relationship that will come your way. Nine of cups is a great and encouraging card to get, but it's no Ten of Cups which is where you'll want to be.


Lovely Love Spread

I love this, because I adore Charles PerraultĀ“s story version of Cinderella, and the spread is so smart! I will certainly try it out very soon!

Love and Light, Genna

page of wands

This is so creative! I love fairy tales. I'll have to do this spread for the New Year. Have you made other spreads?


I'm actually thinking about creating a disney-esque series of spreads. I love the innocenve the movies give off but many people may not notice the underlying lessons or meanings that hide behind them.

I think it'll be a fun way to merge your childhood experiences and use them to help interpret your present problems. After all, I believe our problems stem from our past. šŸ˜Š

Look forward to releasing new fairlytale/Disney tarot spreads for you all to try out!



I love Fairy Tale spreads, too :) I added this to our Tarot Spreads Index (to post #8)

Wow, I'm so honored! Haha, I've been going to that spread index often. Kind of cool my spread will be on there šŸ˜Š thanks Hemera!




There are some people who may be confused on interpreting the first card, The Glass Slipper.

This card represents something that you've ALWAYS had, or HAD at one point in your life. This isn't an explanation on your emotions towards relationships or how you reaction to them. It's an explanation on what you've lost or forgotten!

When anyone gets into a relationship, why do we get into them in the first place? Because we feel loved? Because we feel needed?

We can feel loved by our parents, and feel needed by our friends!

But the main reason why we get into relationships is because we've come to care and understand a special person for whom we both love and need. Think about the partners that you've had in the past. They all had a certain trait or quirk that really appealed to you and/or that you found really endearing, right?

This is what the glass slipper (the first card in the spread) intends to remind you of. To bring to the surface that special trait or quirk that may make yourself more appealing to OTHERS and bring about more confidence within yourself. This spread tries to give you insight on how to best bring out the most appealing you that others might be attracted to, while still being yourself (but just being the best part of yourself).

You shouldn't have to always search for that special one. There should be times where others just drift towards you because you appeal to THEM.

The glass slipper is a card that helps remind you of the best trait or quirk that may help yourself become more confident and perhaps help your appeal towards others but in the most natural way.

I hope this helps others to understand what the Glass Slipper is about :)
