WHAT do you wish you could tell Readers or Sitters?


As a reader, what do you wish you could tell sitters and as a sitter, what would you like to tell readers? I know we have had various threads on what we would like to tell our sitters, but often, we may be the sitter. Because we have experience on both sides of the table, what would you share with the person on the other side?

For Readers, I can't say I have much to share as normally readings I have gotten, which aren't often, are from a friend. I almost always prefer to read for myself, so I can't say I have had any bad experiences with readers.

For Sitters, I think it would just be to be clear in their expectations as I try to be clear in how I read. I think communication is really vital between reader and sitter and I have not had a problem saying that.

So I can't say I have really had a bad experience on either side of the table.

ATers? What would you share with the person opposite, whether the sitter or reader?


I have to say I have been this person that I wish to tell in the past and have learnt from it! But the sitter who asks about the same situation or question over and over! it really doesn't help! sometimes we are in emotionally difficult times and we have to have a definite answer but asking and asking starts to cause crazy readings! It makes things worse. Just ask once about something, every 30 days or so! it will be more helpful to have faith in what comes up ;)

for readers, some readers have to really judge the situation and the sitter better. I have had terrible insensitive readings and the reader just says oh I thought a 'to the point' type reading would be best! they are not judging the situation or sitter, we have to change to the person we are doing the reading for. Some people need a harsh message at that time, some people need a really sensitive and gentle reading.


REally great points, Danieljuk

I really haven't had many readings that were NOT done by close friends and even those readings are few and far between. What you mentioned makes a lot of sense about gearing toward the sitter.

I know some sitters tend to ask over and over about a certain question and I just find that some time must pass before I can really read on the exact same thing again. I can read sometimes for clarification about a question, but to get the same question day after day just, as you say, doesn't help, but I think can confuse.


"I know you're lying to me about your circumstances. You've paid to be my client, so I have to work on the premise that what you tell me is true, but I know you're lying and this reading is therefore not going to give you anything that is useful in your life."

I've never been quite assertive enough to say that, and occasionally I really need to.

Barefoot Fool

"I know you're lying to me about your circumstances. You've paid to be my client, so I have to work on the premise that what you tell me is true, but I know you're lying and this reading is therefore not going to give you anything that is useful in your life."

I've never been quite assertive enough to say that, and occasionally I really need to.

True. But you might, oh, say, um, read the cards in a way that shows a lot of self-deception and mention that it is difficult to move through an issue when we are unable to see the truth of it. Or something of the sort. Depending on the cards and the issue, if you are a reader who reads people as much as you read cards. Maybe the customer is really just paying you to hear what s/he needs to hear and nobody else will say.

Personally, and I am new at this, I need to learn how to say "your time is up, but if you put another $5 under the timer we can continue."


There is no difference between what I 'wish' and what I tell in a reading, either side of the table.

As pointed out above, it probably depends on mode of delivery, where people have difficulty.

[ And that is another 'art'; being able to find the right mode for the type of person in question.]


As a reader:

1) I am not a doctor. I will not give you medical advice. If I tell you to see a doctor, that does not make me some type of lying con artist. Frankly I would be more concerned if a reader *didn't* tell someone to go see a doctor!

2) To my friend who said she wasn't interested in me reading for her because the only tarot reader she trusted was her aunt (I never offered to read for her--tarot just came up in conversation), that's a bit harsh. I'm not mad, or hurt, or upset, but that is one of those things that's probably better off kept to yourself. Also, can I meet your aunt?

3) Sometimes you are going to hear things in a reading that you don't want to hear. I will do my best to deliver the news in a gentle manner. How you choose to take the information and what you do with it is up to you. Just remember that this is your life and that the future is not written in stone. You have the power to change things if you want to.

4) It's okay to laugh and have a sense of humor :) (For context: I had my webcam on and dropped my cards all over the floor. When I typed "Didn't see that coming" to cover up my embarrassment via self-deprecating humor, all ten viewers promptly left.)



Also, in the same vein, I am not a lawyer. If you need legal advice for things like inheritance disputes, injuries, or criminal cases, go elsewhere. I have buddies that are attorneys and would be happy to refer you, but no, I am not one and do not wish to be charged with practicing law without a license.

I am also not your financial planner. If you feel like paying me above and beyond my fee, thanks! However, if you're asking about investment advice and where you should put your money, you need to call your broker, not me.

The cards will only tell you what is most likely to happen based on the current situation and the information I am given. I'm not God, and I'm not infallible. Take everything with at least a sizeable grain of salt. If you don't like what the cards say, that's fine--that's why it's advice. If you don't like the outcome, well then, change your behaviour.

Don't assume I can read your mind. I can't. If you want to play games, well, go get yourself a videogame console or open up Candy Crush.

If you're looking for messages from the beyond, go get a Ouija board. The afterlife is beyond the scope of my cards.

Repeatedly asking the same questions ad nauseam is a waste of your money and everyone's time. It's one thing if the same question is asked a few weeks later, as things have time to incubate and change. But a day or two? NO.

If you're rude or belligerent, the fee has now doubled.

And last but not least, if you're too dependent on me, I'll probably fire you as a client. Remember: Sure, I'll hold your hand. It makes it easier to throw you under the bus.

If I'm on the other side of the table, then please tell me what I need to know. Don't go into extraneous detail about my dinner date Saturday night unless I've asked you for advice or it's come out in the cards.

Don't be afraid to ask *me* questions. A good reading is a dialogue, not a one sided speech.

If I ask you questions, it doesn't mean I don't think you don't know what you're doing. I do--and believe me, if I feel you're doing a halfassed job, I'll tell you. If I ask questions, it means I'd like clarification on a card and how it fits into the question I'm asking.

Don't be afraid to break bad news. I can't speak for everyone, but my fuse is not nearly as short as advertised. I'm easily annoyed but to get me offended or angry takes a hell of a lot of doing. Chances are, as a stranger, you're not going to know me well enough to get me angry or offend me. Besides, forewarned is forearmed.

Don't tell me I'm under some sort of curse and only you can lift it. That's a scam as old as the hills. People still fall for it, though. :/

tl;dr That's about all I can think of for now.



1) Be CAREFUL who you allow to read for you as some are scammers, do cold readings, overcharge, and/or only give you sugar coating readings.

2) Don't RELY solely on a reader as you have to live and experience life. If everything was handed to you on a Psychic platter you would not think for yourself, grow as a person, or function like most everyone else.

A young female in Las Vegas I spoke to in 2008 would not leave her place until her Psychic told her what color dress to wear for the day!

You do not want to be that person.... ;)

3) Do not become one of those ONE ANSWER ONLY types that circulate around Readers asking the same question and expecting only one type of answer.

My friend's neighbor (Stratford or Stratfield) did this on a weekly basis and on the most part ALL she wanted to hear was that she would be getting back together with an old high school sweetheart who was actually happily married. But in mid 2013 she decided all of a sudden she had a HEALTH problem, so during her weekly rounds of seeing different Psychics and/or calling them, one Psychic finally told her she had breast cancer. She knew she was right and was convinced she had it - so went to doctors insisting on all kinds of tests ONLY to find out that she was absolutely FINE.

YES she saw one or two, maybe even 3 Psychics a week, as well as called a Psychic line.

Life was meant to be experienced. :heart:

ana luisa

Cards do not work magic and readers READ, they don't change your fate or circumstances.
If you're not ready to deal with the answers don't ask the questions.
If you don't know what you want to know, how do you expect the cards to ?
Be honest to yourself because the cards will ALWAYS be.
And NO, I cannot predict when you're going to die.