King of wands


Thank you, I noticed that later. One great thing about Tarot is that it forces you to learn about so many different things with no connection whatsoever to each other. Last night I looked at pictures of salamanders (they're really cute!) and read about why they are connected with fire. Turns out there is little to no reason.
Where I live there are salamanders in the fresh water streams. At certain times of the year they are a very brilliant red color. However, I guess elemental salamanders are supernatural critters.


Thank you, I noticed that later. One great thing about Tarot is that it forces you to learn about so many different things with no connection whatsoever to each other. Last night I looked at pictures of salamanders (they're really cute!) and read about why they are connected with fire. Turns out there is little to no reason.

Not entirely. Wikipedia states: "Numerous legends have developed around the salamander over the centuries, many related to fire. This connection likely originates from the tendency of many salamanders to dwell inside rotting logs. When placed into a fire, the salamander would attempt to escape from the log, lending to the belief that salamanders were created from flames — a belief that gave the creature its name. Associations of the salamander with fire appear in the writings of Aristotle, Pliny, the Talmud, Conrad Lycosthenes, Benvenuto Cellini, Ray Bradbury, David Weber, J. K. Rowling, Paracelsus, Leonardo da Vinci, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Victor Hugo."

Wikipedia also makes clear that there is a distinction between actual amphibious salamanders, and legendary creatures called salamanders, which are commonly associated with fire. There's a good article on the legendary creatures at
This article notes that 'legendary' salamanders are frequently found in writings on the occult.

The word itself can be traced back from French to Latin to ancient Greek to old Persian, where it means 'within fire'.

I love the internet...


Where I live there are salamanders in the fresh water streams. At certain times of the year they are a very brilliant red color. However, I guess elemental salamanders are supernatural critters.

perhaps , just perhaps, the RED of the salamander is associated with the colour of fire. Plus an even stronger perhaps... The salamander was red when it exited the burning log and changed back to a dark colour later on.

Who know's.


Anyhow, in the RWS, fire, water, and air elementals seem to be represented by salamanders, fish, and butterflies (and/or birds). I'm not sure about earth. There may be some gnome-like humanoids on the Queen of Pentacles' throne.


Anyhow, in the RWS, fire, water, and air elementals seem to be represented by salamanders, fish, and butterflies (and/or birds). I'm not sure about earth. There may be some gnome-like humanoids on the Queen of Pentacles' throne.

A brare Rabbits is in it. a symbol of IN the earth ,me thinks. Underground knowledge. NAture spirits and growing fruits on the throne's back and a goats head on her arm rest. Initiation me feels.

The Qn of cups has her undines twisted around the throne.