paracelsus oracle


cardlady22: Are these symbols actually composites of many sigils?

That's what I have wondered... some of their parts/sections do resemble certain sigils. I've tried an online search for "Paracelsus sigils" (and "symbols" & "figures"). All I finally came up with was a book The Archidoxes of Magic which, according to the 'review' sounds as if it will explain some of the sigils.

Bee :)


The Sigils ?

It arrived today!

Each card has an 'angelic name' according to the LWB. Some, with their meanings, can be found here:

They are among the 72 names of God (angelic spirits) and are listed with links to fuller details. All the Paracelsus 'names' may be there, but perhaps spelled a bit diffrently than the LWB.

Also found a site that shows the cards plus the LWB meanings (use a translator):

Also, this site (french) has the zodiac signs and angels governing the time spans. Paracelsus angel-names are here:

(ie: for the main site page)

And here for the same as above - another French site.

Bee :)

Happy Hunting!


Because the woodcut images are the 32 prophecies made by Paracelsus pertaining to Religion & Nations which are now in our history books, I tried to extract a short (pithy...) phrase to go with them, and then merge it with the Geomantic figures and Angelic 'tasks'. I'm not having a lot of success.

I'm wondering why the geomancy was depicted with these woodcuts & angelic beings..... they don't 'blend' together very well at all. Seems to be a mish-mash of Paracelsusian Things which are popularly known about - minus the "The Alphabet of the Magi". The sigils arn't from this alphabet.

Thinking I'll read these cards from their geomantic figures......... not the LWB, whose meanings seem quite unrelated to the images.



Your posts as you research are quite appreciated. Has anyone contacted Gina di Roberto through Lo Scarabeo? Surely there would be project notes, etc.


Hello cardlady22 :)

That sounds like a good idea! I wonder if it was Gina herself who 'assembled' the card images?

I found another site with sigils - check out the Angel and Demon ones - the Demon page of sigils says that some call them Angels.... I've been trying to find a match on the cards.

(Scroll to the bottom of 'sigils' page for the Angel/Demon sigil links).

Bee :)


Paracelsus deck symbolism

Hi there!

I just published this in another thread, but I think it belongs to this one better.

I just came across a Paracelsus deck recently, with no booklet, and I have been trying to make sense of it. I read in a forum that the 32 engravings at the top of the cards come from 32 illustrations of prophecies that, apparently, Paracelsus himself made. They can be found in this book from 1915, which is an English translation by JK (?). Here's the link:

As to historical references, in the epilogue, one can read " It is by no means improbable that the Latin version referred to by Eliphas Lévi may be only a translation. The German edition Of 1530, which is also found reprinted in the works of Paracelsus collected by Johann Huser and published at Strassburg in the year 1616, was taken as the original for the present translation. The Prophecies occur in vol. ii, pp. 594-608. The Plates have also been reproduced from the old woodcuts of that edition. The original Manuscript of Paracelsus is said to be in the Court Library of the Grand Duke of Baden at Karlsruhe."

I tried to check the contents of the Huser edition here, with no success, but the years don't match, so they might refer to a later edition.

So, back to the deck, we have 32 pictures related to Paracelsus. Ok, how about the dotted geomancy figures and the names of the cards? Geomancy is based on 16 basic figures, so I guess whoever made the cards thought 16+16=32, this fits! so the cards can be used at the same time as a double geomancy oracle.

The names and shapes of these figures can be found in the Second Book of Occult Philosophy by Cornelius Agrippa. The meanings of the geomancy figures and the prophecy contents sometimes match and sometimes don't, so here's the first problem. Shall we use the prophesies or the geomantic figures? The correspondences don't make a lot of sense to me, but might do for someone else.

Second problem is the zodiacal signs assigned to the cards. 12+12 is not 32, so here the correspondences do not fit so nicely. The deck is divided in bright and dark cards. Each half has the 12 zodiacal signs in calendar order and then, the four remaining cards have been assigned to the north and south nodes of the moon, Leo and Cancer. The north and south nodes are also known as "caput draconis" and "cauda draconis" which is also the name for the geomantic signs in the corresponding card. I guess this is to be thought of as two pairs of contraries, being Leo and Cancer the signs associated to the Sun and Moon, respectively. This fits the binary light-darkness structure of the deck, so... good enough! However, most of the zodiacal correspondences in the deck are not the ones found in Agrippa's book.

Finally, the hardest part of the cards. The signs at the very bottom appear to be sigils of daimons or "spirits" like the ones used in Theurgia or Goetia, but after checking some books I was unable to identify any of the signs in the deck. I read somewhere that they might correspond to the 72 names of god. I counted the signs and, yes, there are 72. Although sometimes it's hard to tell where one symbol ends and the next begins. I used the criteria "a sign is anything united by lines", disregarding dots and encircling complements. I got 73 until I realised that the two first figures in card 16 touch each other, so they make one.

Anyway, I could'nt find the exact symbols in any of my books. Can anyone shed some light on this? Anyone concerned with the idea that most people using this deck would supposedly be summoning entities they know nothing about?

In conclusion, this deck contains a lot of information coming from different sources, it feels a little bit like four decks in one, with its advantages and disadvantages. Anyone there using it regularly?

As an afterthought, also the back of the cards deserves some attention. In it 14 of the 72 signs appear mirrored 4 times, giving 56 symbols. The symbols are the ones that appear on cards 22,23,24,30,31,19. No idea why. Some of these arrangements seem to me quite arbitrary, but I might be wrong. What do you think? Is there a clear purpose to this deck o is it rather that the creators will be laughing their asses off if they ever read about our efforts to decypher this puzzle?

crystal dawn

Hi there
I am not sure what the symbols at the base of the cards are. But They are not the sigils of spirits usually associated with Geomancy. Though you cannot summon a spirit up simply by turning over a card anyway, you would have to tune in to that spirits energies to start off with.
The cards in this oracle I have found correspond mainly to the 16 geomantic figures. Each geomantic figure has corresponding planets and zodiac signs which are are accurately portrayed on the cards. The figures are repeated in this 32 oracle deck, so each figure appears twice. It seems in this deck that each figure is given a positive meaning and a negative meaning and so we have a positive card for each figure and we have a negative card for each figure.

