Table of content - reversals


The different ways of using reversals:

1) They have a 3card spread worked in - all 78 reversed cards each hold a PPF spread. (Given they are of a traditional kind of deck)

2) They are used to show solutions, warnings.
- meaning if you can't figure out what a certain card is telling you, reading it reversed as a PPF, will show you what you didn't see otherwise.

3) Using reversal meanings strictly as given in the LWB or in the larger author's book for that deck. Or applying reversals as set out by books covering that subject such as The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals, by Mary Greer.

4) Using the upright meanings, but looking at the card as something that needs more attention or is important in the person's life.

5) Using them as a signpost to direct you back to the previous card to relearn the lesson there.

6) Seeing it as strictly a reversed meaning of the 'upright' meaning of the card.

7) Seeing it as a blockage.

8) Looking at which way the picture of the character on the card is 'facing' so as to go back or forward to the cards around that particular reversed card to give more attention there.

If Dave are up to it ?

9) How reversals asociates with astrology

10) Why can't reversals be used for all decks, or can they ?

I am thinking we could do the first 9 issues on a card by card basis, and issue 10 would be a discussion for it self.

What you all think, will that do ?
Other suggestions are more than welcome

Rusty Neon

Light and Shadow

I've started a thread on the Light and Shadow approach to uprights and reversals.


A question and an answer

Being relatively new to serious Tarot I have a question, "What is a PPF spread?" As for sharing my practice of using reversed cards with astrological spreads, I'll be glad to share what I have done. My exploration in this area is just that. Another thread on this forum started to explore the linking of astrological symbols with certain cards -- but that thread hasn't been active lately. Some have expressed dissatisfaction with the (several?) traditional assignments (such as Golden Dawn) and wanted to explore other assignments. Those questions, and others, started me thinking of possibilities. I'll share those as I work with them. Nothing is cast in stone yet, but who knows? Dave.


PPF is Past--Present--Future. It's a great spread for a "quickie" reading or a good first step to find an area to explore more fully in a larger reading when the client doesn't know exactly what to ask about.

BTW Bec, the TOC looks great to me! Let's get going!



Dave, the PPF

The PPF-spread is properly the 3 card spread most spreads are built on. It is the one readers through out the world is "breast-fed" with, the one used for learning how to interpretate more than one card at the time, to see the line and the story in multiple cards in a pattern - a spread.


Card 1: Represents your past - depending on your question this card will tell what is there in experience, memory, the fool's backpack.

Card 2: Represents your present situation, properly this card is telling you the deepest truth about why you are doing this reading in the first place._

Card 3: Represents near future, do what you feel right to do and let the cards guide you in the way you may see fit, in about one month from here,_
you should be able to look back at the reading and see the red thread.

First times you are doing this readings, you really should be doing it only to learn and get comfortable with your intuition and believe in your self. Do not let it scare you off, if the readings makes absolute no sense what so ever, it do not matter as you are just learning. On the other hand, you should not let it spook you, if you get the bulls-eye in your first reading either - really depends on how close you are to your inner voice and how well you are to listen to it.


PPF & stuff

Thanks for the PPF definition. I looked through several spread web-sites and did not see PPF defined. Since the few book I had about Tarot, two decades ago, used the Celtic Cross and a few other larger spreads I just followed their lead. I've actually never done a one card or three card reading. Nowadays, my favorite spread is the 12 card Horoscope or House spread. Well, it will be instructive and highly helpful to cover the essentials and make any corrections that need to be made. I look forward to the index topics, Bec, I've printed them out. Dave.


bec said:
The different ways of using reversals:

4) Using the upright meanings, but looking at the card as something that needs more attention or is important in the person's life.

5) Using them as a signpost to direct you back to the previous card to relearn the lesson there.

8) Looking at which way the picture of the character on the card is 'facing' so as to go back or forward to the cards around that particular reversed card to give more attention there.

I've gotta say, I'm looking forward to delving into this thread topic, now that Sobe's given a heads-up about it (thanks again! :) ). The above three methods of using reversals? I'd never thought about looking at reversals those ways. Puts new light on the subject for me... I may have to explore trying reversals on for size again and use the above three in particular.
