the jungian tarot high priestress


the high priestress "the daughter"
"anima is the inner self of man"

and so by that logic,and using the idea of balance it must be the outer self of the female. which means
as a females are male inner self and female outer self and males are the femaler innerself and the male outerself. that is the one of the mysteries the high priestress holds .

"she is the eternal woman who as high priestress, holds the book symbolizing the ultimate secrets of the unconscious- most frequently represented by water. as the moon she creates the universal tides of consciousness"

the high priestress has alwasy been a beutiful woman as an archetype who has either embraced sex as natural, or denied it for herself as an effort to be a pure vechile for spirituality. it is the emperess who the highpriestress becomes that she learns to embrace it is our nature and to procreate is completing our basic nature as well. so it is an eternal cycle as long as there is men on the earth in any case.
the book symbolizing the secrets is another archetype which we believe there is one source book that has all the answers. we look for it for the tarot, the christ, the astrology, the one book one answer approach .
here it is revealed why we grow in spurts for as the tides comes in we grow , but as the tide recede we take the best part of the growth that occured and let go of the weak growth which dies quickly and then the tides come back in.

"everyone has an inner personality (anima or animus) and an outer personality, the persona or the mask that which we show to the public. in this card the mask has been pulled aside to reveal the true face of the anima
whereas is the card specific to the persona THE WORLD the persona is completly hidden "

so the high priestress is about what we are slowly revealing which is the innerself which or the man is the female anima and the male the male animus through the persona mask. and it hints as to why the world card has the woman wearing a persona mask (in the jungian tarot )

"it is a general principle that the inner and outer personalities are complementary :so a very methodical and sciencetific persona usally suggest a emotional and irrational inner being. "

so the high priestress reveals that if we are cold outside inside we are so emotional that we dont know how to handle it .

"as was stated of the animus, the encounter of anima, especially in dreams, is a very real experience. her activity as an antagonist, alwasy at work in a man, brings softness, emotionality, love of beutiful things, and of home etc. the many qualities which the western society has always attributed to the female."

the high priestress reveals that the male is emotional, has love of beutiful things (why he has to collect cars, and big kicknacks) and build up the house. it is due to the inner anima.
in other words the male is sneaky while the female is actively anima in the outher world hence they get the steroetype , we are truely like them and make comments as they are reflection of the male inner world in the outer world.

this is why female power is about releasing their inner males energyes while male growth stems from exploring their inner self which is the long denied but very powerful female self.

"here one may rightly assume as a society perceptions of the male and female evolves , so will the individual interaciton with the anima and animus . "

that is an extension of the principle we have build upon of the inner self and outer self growing as we grow as society .

"in medition, christians may experience anima as the virgin mary, although her characteristics are more accurately describe through the polarities of the ancient gods. she is all phrases of woman,the mother hera, the virgin diana, the hag hecates. she can be loving and supportive, friendly and charming, or deceptive , cruel and very arbitrary. "

in truth they are examining that the goddes of old were slowly tranposed to the virgin mary . the holy mother of the son who cries for the world.

"it is essential to understand that every archetype has two aspects, -postive and negative,both of which must be encountered in the quest for self knowledge "

this for me reveals how the reversed cards were begun to be used in divination to represent the negative aspect of the postive archetype. what was once one became a mirror for itself. we cant' just focus on the negative or the postive but the true essence of it. that is the high priestress teaching, look at the postive but look at the negative as well and vice versa.
for we have an inner self and an outerself and they live in harmony.

"tarot interpretation has generally focused on the postive aspects of the major arcana, . but the creative fool can also destroy, the protectively controling magican can also lie, the coldly beutiful virgin can also be ugly and course "

and so our stories are changing to reflect this . this can be seen in the movie
SHREK , an troll with a soul, yet staying true to his gentle nature (gentle for a troll strong for a human lol ).
and hinted at the beuty and beast archetypal story.

"however she may appear when, through active imagination, this archetype is invoked and a conversation is begun, the effect is inevitably powerful. it may also be unpredictable as contents of the unconscious are brought to the surface. "

in dealing with the high priestress the true self will begin to show itself and that can bring fear but it will bring powerful transformation. :O)


the daughter medition.
there are ten torches all alone the waterside . it reminds me fo the old story where the daughters would go dance with the princes at night and come back in the morning. for in the storyline the path is lit by torches.

the number ten symbolizes a completion and also a new beginner but on a higher level and also a deeper level of experience.

the torches says that the high priestres is full of creative energy, full of spiritual fire in which it urges them to purify themselves and their intentions.

and in the night sky there is the stars, which hints at a possible connection of the high priestress to the star card but it hints at something more.

the high priestress exists in the wands world of spirituality and consciousness as the ten torches are the ten sephiroth of the tree of life , and the stars are the 22 paths which many qabbalists who study the tarot consider the 22 paths to be the major arcana and the motion to get to the fixed sepherioth.

the water of the mother are abounding here with no barren earth of the father in sight.
she does very much symbolize water as the mother earth symbolizes earth . in her lies a very receptive force to direction and form .
yet know that the water can destroy mountians over time and not the other way around.

the only way to threaten water is to change it purity and we do this on a spiritual level with our intentions (and in this is reflected in our outer world with our pollutions of our earth mother blood the water. for we dont' know where else to put the garbage. and we are over hunting the fish which be said we are parasites eating the white blood cells)

the moon lies upon her mandal which is to say to find me recall the moon.

the mask she holds in her right hand on a wand is like her face but slightly differnt, which tell us that when we say "oh that is was only business, this is differnt " it really isn't as that is an aspect of ourselve that is not seperate.

you can see her bossom which signifies that she is confidence with her sexuality and for her it isn't sexual but just natural, for there is nothing to be ashamed off as she is revelaing her open heart in a sense, nothing covers it or protects it.

she is dressed in white which says as we can create from pure intention. the best way to recieve from the source of the universe is with pure receptively , pure intentions to recieve the ultimate highest wisdom we can.
so by clearing our bodies and purging them we can help out the process. and by clearing our minds of old thoughts and thoughts that are full of fear. and by letting go of emtoions like fear itself in our heart and finally try to reconnect on our highest own spiritual level .
that is when we be able to understand the highpriestress energies.

"i hide behind this mask for they do not see the real me, i fear for them to see the real me would betray my feelings, and my postion in life. we all have positions in our family, our business worlds, our social worlds and those friends that we exist with. "

"one finds it easier to share a glimpse with a stranger in passing then our true freinds for the stranger we will never see again, but our friends will be with us always in heart and spirit. "

"come and walk with me on the path of light and know that the water of emotions will not drown you as you fear but you can float on it , and perhaps if you believe enough walk on it"

"see this book , it is what i recieve , but also my interpation of what i recieve and so that is your true power how you interpate the truth , and your weakness the high pirestress knows the mind can't get in the way of the truth otherwise it becomes a personal truth and not a universal truth remember that always "

"it is like the old saying to look upon the source is to destroy one self, that is not our true self that is destroyed but our own egos and personas that fall away and even our shadows and just lies our "self" we are not yet ready as a people nation, let alone an individual to take such a big step "