New Orleans Voodoo Tarot - 6 Congo--Shi-Li-Bo Nouvavou/Dan-I [6 of Cups]


Dan-I bathes in the ocean, naked, in the direct rays of the sun. Spirits dance around her. Her hands are encased in fire as she bathes, but she is not bufrned. The fire is not extinguished by water (holy fire?). The spirits seem to come from the fire and her hair.

She is cupping the water in her hands; is she harnessing the sun’s energy? The

There is no fear in this card. Dan-I is blissful.

Bathing in saltwater is considered to have healing properties  card of healing and immersing oneself in that healing? The fire on her hands > healing hands -> laying on of hands. Fire purifies, fortifies, tempers.

Dan-I’s head is cocked to the right  looking at past or future? (depending on perspective).

According to Grip Dellabonte (thx G!), the Shi-Li-Bo aspect is a pure representation of the sun’s attributes (and thus connected to XIX-- Gros Bon Ange). The Dan-I aspect is the light given by night (starlight), which is connected to XVIII—Magick Mirror.


  • 6 Congo  -- Shi-Li-Bo Nouvavou  Dan-I.jpg
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