Past Lovers Spread


I'm sure that all of us has had that one person that sets us afire when we think of them. That one special person that we can't seem to stop thinking about no matter how many miles or years has past. That one person is why I made this particular spread not sure how well it works but I did use it for myself and got some interesting results (Link to my reading, Tabi's Past Lovers reading).


1) Where are they now?
2) Are they happy with their life?
3) Do they still think of me?
4) If so what do they think?
5) What is their fondest memory of me?
6) Do they want me to still think of them?
7) Will we ever meet again in this lifetime? (I put in that last part for all of those who read past lives).


I like this spread. I tried it with the RWS and got some interesting results, which I'll have to put a little thought into. It definitely gave me something to think about.


What a great idea- thanks, I will add this one to my little black book. :)


A great spread, but i don't understand the basis for the card ordering on the spread :) Why did you follow a so strange arrangement?

Question: Five of cups in 3rd position... Do She miss me? Or "no way?"...



I was also wondering why there is no direct path from card 2 to card 3.


tiris said:
A great spread, but i don't understand the basis for the card ordering on the spread :) Why did you follow a so strange arrangement?

Question: Five of cups in 3rd position... Do She miss me? Or "no way?"...


Put the cards in any order that works best for you, if you want you can simply lay them out as 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 in a line if that is work best for you. I just like to make strange patterns with the cards. :| Sorry

You can put your entire reading in the forum: Your Readings

For that one card first thought comes into mind that she thinks of you, mostly as a lost or painful way. Depends really on the parting that happened between the two of you.


Mostly of the questions, 1 and 2 is about them solely.

3-5 is their thoughts on of YOU

6 and 7 is random bits of information that you want to know

So basically it is three different groups of questions made into one spread hence my deranged pattern. :D :p


hi Tabi
i have been practising with your spread, i used two decks to get a bit more clarity and so laid 2 cards for each position (i ask the same questions of two decks so allow the same cards to resurface if need be) i have a question on two of the positions:
3) Do they still think of me?what would you think would signal yes or no?would a happy card signal yes, or perhaps a reversal signafy no? i dont know which logic to apply to this position, what are your thoughts?[/
7) Will we ever meet again in this lifetime?i cant seem to understand what type of card would indicate yes or no (i got Justice rx+the fool), i would have expected, this seems like a 'if you meet again' answer.

thanks for the spread!


Loved the concept...made some slight tweaks...

I found this spread...embedded long ago and thought it would be interesting to try. I'm learning that asking the true question, properly makes all the difference with how you can "feel" the answer.

Therefore I changed card 2 to: is (the person) happy/satisfied with the choice they made now that I am not in their life?

I chose to reword this because happy is such an ambiguous term. When we ask these questions what we really want to know is if they are happier without us.

I also chose to change card 6 to: what memory would (the person) like me to have of him?

I felt this was a stronger question because when things go sour it's very easy to assume (based on the circumstances) that they think poorly of us. And even though not so great things occur during relationships...somehow the love can still remain.

Otherwise, this was a great spread and I also received some interesting results. Thank you for posting.