Six of Swords


What would the six of swords denote as a personal characteristic? Would this be a peacemaker or a mediator? Someone who has cut ties from the past?


My association with the card is more about perseverance, endurance, acquiescence (or submission) to the trials and tribulations of being alive. It's about slogging through the muck, but not getting bogged down. Eventually, they'll get to the other side.


Problem Solver

.traveller. said:
What would the six of swords denote as a personal characteristic? Would this be a peacemaker or a mediator? Someone who has cut ties from the past?
Personal characteristic, IMHO, would be a problem-solver, whether that problem is higher mathematics or a family squabble. They can see the answer (the other shore) and how to steer towards it. Doesn't mean they'll get themselves or you to that other shore, but they know it's there, and they know the best way to reach it. They can ease you out of the rough waters, into the smooth and toward dry land.


A guide or counselor.


.traveller. said:
What would the six of swords denote as a personal characteristic? Would this be a peacemaker or a mediator? Someone who has cut ties from the past?

Yes I think you're right on with that:) Someone who doesn't let situations drag them down. They deal with whatever life hands them. They pick up what's left of any bad situation and move on to make the best out of it. They also help others on their way whenever they can.
