Rider Waite Reversed


You will see every possible opinion ever on reversals on the Internet and in books. Do read them, don't read them, read them but they're training wheels, read them but they're very advanced, don't read them because they're hard, don't read them because it will let demons loose, blah blah blah.
Unless your method of reading reversals involves human sacrifice, just do what seems right to you. :)

I totally agree.


My question is this: I have read somewhere (and it might be on here) that the Rider-Waite deck should only be read upright.
Waite gave reversed meanings - following the traditions of Etteilla and playing card interpretations that he integrated with Golden Dawn meanings.

The Golden Dawn tarot method, used also by Crowley and Paul Foster Case, does not use reversals (except with the Court Cards for determining direction of movement). Rather, they use a technique called 'Elemental Dignities' (a search on the term + tarot will give you lots of information) that indicated the strength or weakness of a card in a reading.

The Rider-Waite-Smith deck is not purely Golden Dawn, but draws on many other tarot conventions.

However, as others have clearly said - do whatever works for you.


hi i actually asked the same question on this forum a few weeks ago and the responce i got was do as you feel, there is no right or wrong way to read the tarot, even though the RWT gives the reversed meanings, i did stop reversed readings and it made a whole lotta sence, i saw the cards differently more clear and thanks to these guys on this forum i am improving day by day.

enjoy and have fun.