Biased attraction spread



I received a question on this spread, and I thought it made a good example of how to read this spread. I'm posting it anonymously.

The question was about a professional relation with a friend/mentor that seemed a little beyond that. Although I don't think this was the best spread for this question, it could be tweaked a little to answer it. Here are the cards:

1 wants: Devil
2 reality: 8oW
3 wants bias: Empress
4 reality bias: KnightoP
5 relation: PageoW

Here was my reply:
I have personal differences in reading style, so I would have interpreted some of the things differently, but lets focus on the spread at hand to come up with a solution. So to break down the bias cards further, you can think of them as cards that double-check your reading based on how well they compliment the other card (1,3 and 2,4). If they compliment well, your perceptions are correct, and if they diverge completely, the bias card is telling you why. To be honest, this question probably isn't ideally solved by this spread because it addresses wants'. However, lets look at it real quick:

Devil-wants, Empress-bias: I would say you want to describe this situation as a step beyond professional on his part, but the bias card is telling you that he is being supportive and wants to see you succeed. I don't know the entire situation, but it seems relatively simple as such.

8oW-reality, KnoP-bias: I think this exemplifies the type of bias for reality. When you read the 8oW you saw communication and fast action; you did not agree with this, although the knight of pentacles backs this up by showing him being a 'pusher'. It seems he is trying to get ahead in his job and move ahead (although you could argue 'getting ahead in his job' could have an undertone). Regardless, I think the spread is telling you swift, supportive, professional work is trying to be accomplished.

To back this up, the page of wands appears as the relation. This is another example of what I meant by personal reading style; I only see cup courts as romance indicators, or at the very least some good support in the reading. This page, to me, is just further proof that he thinks of you as someone that has potential, but needs support to get going. With only the devil appearing in perceived wants, the rest of the spread seems to be telling you that there are good intentions, or to otherwise ignore anything beyond professionalism.


Thank You 2

Hi, I actually wanted to say Thank You again for this spread because not only is it insightful and spot-on (by the previous account I've used it), but the cards I got today were too juicy not to share.

2-2 of Cups
3-Ace of Cups
4-The Moon

Basically, I know that --I-- am the one who is hung up emotionally about this attraction. I know it's there, but it is so hard to know what to do about it because we are coworkers. We both probably just can't do anything about it due to the workload and expectations in the society/culture that we live in. But that doesn't negate how strong the emotional connection is between us.