Major Arcana appearing in sequence


I'm wondering what special meaning (if any) anyone attaches to two Major Arcana that appear in a reading in order (for example: the Lovers followed by the Chariot, the Star followed by the Moon)

This isn't related to any specific reading, it's just that it has happened a couple of times and i am wondering how others see it.

If you have an experience with something like this happening in a reading please do share it and your interpretation of it.



Sometimes I've heard this as blocks that need to be released. Whatever the more negative one is is usually the block preventing the more positive one from happening. Just my experience!


In my experience, two things might be going on.

One, if it's a new deck or one you have re-ordered, and it hasn't been shuffled long enough and often enough to completely separate cards that were close together.

Two, if the actual meanings of those cards are important in those positions of the spread you are using. People will tell you that it is showing you a developmental journey of the consciousness, but it may simply be that in order to tell the story of the reading, those cards had to appear in those positions, and if you'd rearranged the positions and the order you pulled them, those cards wouldn't have come out next to each other but in the new order that would have been appropriate for the reading.


Nisaba, of course I understand that a deck that hasn't been shuffled enough can create this.

Thank you to both Nisaba and gypsyflower for responding. The concept of it calling attention to a block in the journey between the two is very interesting.


Pay attention. Think very deeply about what those cards mean about you and your life. A blend of archetypes, definites either created or creating.

Dunno if that makes any sense. Not sure if it does to me!!


It does make sense, Joyous girl, thank you.


I'm wondering what special meaning (if any) anyone attaches to two Major Arcana that appear in a reading in order (for example: the Lovers followed by the Chariot, the Star followed by the Moon)

This isn't related to any specific reading, it's just that it has happened a couple of times and i am wondering how others see it.

If you have an experience with something like this happening in a reading please do share it and your interpretation of it.


It means what you feel it means in that particular reading. If you think something may have meaning but are not sure, you just need to follow your feelings each time.

In short, when this happens, sometimes I feel it has meaning and sometimes not. Normally not, Usually I would just think that those two cards were simply the two that best answered the question and that is why they came up as they did. BUT sometimes I may feel that there is an intended meaning there. And IF I feel that, then I follow it.
